Judge violently beats daughter... video just released by the daughter. Very Graphic

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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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I don't know Steve, the evidence has been presented and unless it was staged he is guilty of child abuse. I personally wouldn't attempt to contact the man, but he is a public official and therefore should be available to the public the same as any elected official. This case is different than a dead body in a park, we have confirmation that a crime was committed.

Hanging by a mob is too good for this guy, he deserves a specialist.

This is an interesting thread.

Based on the video only this behavior is completely out of line, it appears he completely lost it, and based on the fact that she filmed it, it appears it wasn't the first time.

What is more interesting to me is watching the "mob mentality" that has surrounded this. People posting his information, suggesting everyone call him, shoot we should just hang him in the street like the old days, no need to prove innocence or guilt.....

As much as I don't like it sometimes our judicial system is built on innocent, until proven guilty. The video is pretty damning, but it isn't our place to make him guilty, and start a mob rush on his home, phone, office, etc....

Guess it's just typical these days, kind of like yesterday when they found a man dead in a Tulsa Park. Immediately all of the internet goons started slamming Tulsa and how horrible it is with dead bodies from murders dropping out of the sky, then oops, he died of natural causes, never mind....

Look before you leap my friends.


Special Hen
Feb 8, 2011
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When i was younger i recieved beatings that were far worse than that but it was when i was 10 -13. My mother never spanked me when dad was around because he wouldnt have stood for that kind of punishment. Mind you im talking a being beat with a belt, spoon, flyswatter, or any avalable item, dad gave me afew spakings but never anything like this and he alway told me he didnt want to do it. The last time i got one from my mom, dad came home early and i thought he was going to kill her when he saw what she had done( beat me with a switch till my legs and ass was black, blue and bleeding) and proboly cause dad would have done back to her if she did it again(he wasnt an abusive man but he was abused when he was a child).

When i was was 16 i thought my mother was going to hit me and the fight almost got started. But that no way to treat any one any age. If anyone tries to santion those acts give me your adress and ill show how it feels. That judge needs to be strung up and the mother thrown in jail for a very long time.

I guess all and all dad saved me lots of beating threw my child hood and i miss him. So it makes me sick to watch that POS do that to his daughter.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I got whacked with a spoon a few times, beat with a belt, whacked with a switch. I don't think it was abuse, but it wasn't something that carried on for 10 minutes, and it was almost always on the butt. If not, it was a whack on the hand or the head with a spoon... no big deal. Only one time did my mom absolutely lose it on me, when some neighbor mom told her I called her a "b!tch", which was a lie. She was mad at me and knew my mom wouldn't stand for that, so she thought she'd get me in trouble. Well, she did... I did have bruises from that one, and to this day I hope that woman got her due. I'm sure she did. My mom apologizes now to me for that incident at least once a year. She didn't believe me then when I said I didn't do it, but she couldn't believe an adult would lie about such a thing just to get a little kid in trouble (I mighta been 7 or 8).

I thumped my son between the eyes one time with a flicked finger. Is that child abuse? Ya'll gonna come whoop me now, too?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
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Just curious, but what's the difference between child abuse consisting of being spanked by a belt and discipline consisting of being spanked by a belt?

Where is the line drawn in OSA's eyes? Is it one or two spanks? Three or four? 10+? Does it matter if it happened once? Does it matter if the child exhibited behavior that was "deserving" of discipline?

In my eyes, it's never justified to hit a child, even if they're acting bratty and immature. That's what kids do. To me, a single hit with a belt is child abuse. But I'm wondering where others draw the line, especially those that claim they were disciplined via beating. The girl in this video admits that she was involved in piracy, which led to this discipline. That's not just talking back, it's an actual illegal act that could affect the entire family.

If the girl was found to be having unprotected sex with a much older man, do you think this sort of discipline would be justified? What if she was caught stealing by her father or mother? Or is it never justified?


Jan 8, 2011
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Broken Arrow
I'm having a rough day after watching this last night. Didn't sleep well, can't concentrate at work today. I thought I was ok when I got up this morn but it is really eating at me now.
That being said, i can't see how beating someone for beating someone makes any of you any better than the one who did the beating originally. Or whatever I'm trying to say.
Some of you sound like animals just as bad as the out of control dad.EDIT, saying that you would beat the dad, condoning his rape, etc...


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
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Next time my 14 yo calls me mean for taking away his xbox or playstation I am going to show this video and see if he thinks I am mean now.

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
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Ponca City
Dad has a saying "God made the shape of the adult palm so that it would fit the curvature of a childs ass just perfectly". That being said I did get the a time or two. No autopsy no foul. It was a spanking and not a beating in my case. There is a point where too much is too much.

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City
I'm having a rough day after watching this last night. Didn't sleep well, can't concentrate at work today. I thought I was ok when I got up this morn but it is really eating at me now.
That being said, i can't see how beating someone for beating someone makes any of you any better than the one who did the beating originally. Or whatever I'm trying to say.
Some of you sound like animals just as bad as the out of control dad.EDIT, saying that you would beat the dad, condoning his rape, etc...

Tim, I am heartfully sorry for what happened to you as a young person. There is no reason for the man to be beaten like the child was. It would just make me feel better to see that he got what he gave. Remember, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, BUT vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord". I am not trying to be a jerk, but I think you should talk to someone my friend. You have some scars that run very deep. Hang in there brother. I am here if you need a PM or email buddy.



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
That being said, i can't see how beating someone for beating someone makes any of you any better than the one who did the beating originally. Or whatever I'm trying to say.
Some of you sound like animals just as bad as the out of control dad.EDIT, saying that you would beat the dad, condoning his rape, etc...

I agree. That man does not deserve to be gutted in a dark alley or raped daily in prison. He deserves a punishment, yes, but not street justice. He deserves to lose his job, be publicly touted as a child abuser, thrown in jail for many years, etc. But this isn't the dark ages, eye for an eye only still exists in Muslim cultures (which you can argue are still somewhat dark ages because their rules really haven't changed since then).

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