Judge violently beats daughter... video just released by the daughter. Very Graphic

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Couldn't watch but a few minutes of it. As a parent of two young sons, that was too much. We occasionally use the belt on ours, but it's the "last ditch", and it's only one or two whacks on the butt. The repeated lashing on legs and wherever it landed was way too much for me to even watch for more than a few minutes.

That video doesn't help my disdain for many two-legged mammals. Anyone who could abuse their own flesh and blood like that should be room temp. Say what you want about the mother and her possible situation, but she's not much better for letting it happen. Screw all the Dr. Phil attempts at deflecting her blame.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
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Get off my lawn.
I got my butt busted growing up. Probably got my last one around 12. Usually 3-5 swats on the butt with a belt or the paddle. I could tell my parents didn't want to do it, but I'd pushed it to that point. They never cussed us like that while doing the deed. Maybe a damnit here or there, but never in a personal way like in the video. After it was over we were free to go about our business around the house and the parents weren't angry with us.

After about 12 or so our parents being disappointed in us was punishment enough to prevent most bad decisions.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Not sure if this is true but I'm reading that she has a form of Cerebral Palsy and was beaten for downloading songs on the internet.

Shoot Summ

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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This is an interesting thread.

Based on the video only this behavior is completely out of line, it appears he completely lost it, and based on the fact that she filmed it, it appears it wasn't the first time.

What is more interesting to me is watching the "mob mentality" that has surrounded this. People posting his information, suggesting everyone call him, shoot we should just hang him in the street like the old days, no need to prove innocence or guilt.....

As much as I don't like it sometimes our judicial system is built on innocent, until proven guilty. The video is pretty damning, but it isn't our place to make him guilty, and start a mob rush on his home, phone, office, etc....

Guess it's just typical these days, kind of like yesterday when they found a man dead in a Tulsa Park. Immediately all of the internet goons started slamming Tulsa and how horrible it is with dead bodies from murders dropping out of the sky, then oops, he died of natural causes, never mind....

Look before you leap my friends.

Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
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I'll bet money the mom was being beaten by the judge as well. I'll go one step further and bet money the mom was abused as a child.

You're probably right. I guess the thing that made me feel that way more than anything was when she got up in her daughter's face. No way for me to know
what she was thinking though. She could have just been playing her part to stop from being on the other end of the belt, too.


Special Hen
Sep 10, 2009
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I am not as inclined to agree with that statement as some might be for seemingly obvious reasons.
I mean, the mother could be living in fear/under control as well, ya' see. :anyone:

Did you really watch the video?? Watch it again please. The mom is by no means under any control, she even tells her daughter " to turn over and man up" then she gives her one belt to the behind too. They are both guilty of child abuse, period. Even if she was under some control, a real mom would step in, even if it meant her life being threatened, at least that's how my mom is and always was.

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
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Ponca City
Daughter is currently 24 years old and finally escaped control of her father.
Since she wasn't under his control anymore, she released this video after he called her and threatened her life.

It is from 2004 when she was 16 years old, but she just posted it tonight.
Its blowing up and will probably hit national news tomorrow.

Take a look yourself, be warned, its graphic.

link to Reddit where she released the video and information

Someone should take care of that sorry SOB. I hope he gets sent to prison and raped daily.
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Special Hen
Dec 7, 2007
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Did you really watch the video?? Watch it again please. The mom is by no means under any control, she even tells her daughter " to turn over and man up" then she gives her one belt to the behind too. They are both guilty of child abuse, period. Even if she was under some control, a real mom would step in, even if it meant her life being threatened, at least that's how my mom is and always was.

It is apparent that you have never been around an abusive household. It is borderline brainwashing over time. People become so intimidated by the attacker, they feel they are almost omniscent. Not slamming you at all, but there is a huge difference between discipline, tough love, and real actual abuse. Too many people want to whine that they were abused, but really have no idea. Those involved are influenced not only physically, but emotionally hurt and controlled. Most of the time, the emotional and mental is far worse than the physical. Bruises heal, trauma takes a long time.

ETA, I am very glad that you had a real mom, that was willing to protect her kids!!!


Special Hen
Dec 23, 2009
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everyone talks about him but what about the mom? She is just as guilty in my eyes. They both deserve the worst possible punishments. Abusers and people like the mom who let it happen should have the possibility of the death penalty because just like rapists and murders they ruin and wreck families and people's lives. The fact that this guy is a judge is a joke, he is making our judicial system and the law look ridiculous.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Texas Judge Beats Disabled Daughter on Video

Here's a video, recently uploaded to YouTube, showing a man whip his disabled daughter with a belt, apparently for downloading games and music. The man is a Texas court-at-law judge named William Adams. His daughter's name is Hillary. And she's the person who recorded and uploaded the video.

Warning: The video is graphic and prolonged. Don't watch if you can't handle, or don't want to see, serious physical and emotional abuse.

The YouTube video is accompanied by a fairly detailed summary:

2004: Aransas County Court-At-Law Judge William Adams took a belt to his own teenage daughter as punishment for using the internet to acquire music and games that were unavailable for legal purchase at the time. She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views. The judge's wife was emotionally abused herself and was severely manipulated into assisting the beating and should not be blamed for any content in this video. The judge's wife has since left the marriage due to the abuse, which continues to this day, and has sincerely apologized and repented for her part and for allowing such a thing, long before this video was even revealed to exist. Judge William Adams is not fit to be anywhere near the law system if he can't even exercise fit judgement as a parent himself. Do not allow this man to ever be re-elected again. His "judgement" is a giant farce. Signed, Hillary Adams, his daughter.

Though the video was uploaded on October 27, it wasn't until today that it began to receive attention-thanks to the popular link-sharing site Reddit, where a poster identifying herself as Hillary Adams shared it (with the title "Family law judge beats own daughter for using the internet, please spread"), writing that she'd decided to post the video (which she'd been "holding onto... until the right time") after receiving "a barrage of harassment" from her father over the phone.

Posting to Reddit was the right move. The site, which has a strong protective streak, quickly sprung into action. Posters, encouraging others to call and write, provided links and phone numbers to news outlets, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct-and to the judge's place of work. As is not uncommon in situations like this, the official Aransas County website is down as of this post, likely thanks to heavy traffic from Reddit.

We should note that we can't specifically confirm that the man in the video is Judge Adams. See below. As you can see, this photo of Adams, taken from the Aransas County website, bears a clear resemblance to the man in the video. We've emailed his office for comment. We also reached out to Hillary-though, in a weird twist, someone calling himself "JasonAnon" appears to have gained access to her accounts, and even run a fake question-and-answer session on Reddit before revealing himself.

Update: "I know in the article you say you cannot confirm the man in the video is him, but I can. It's him," Hillary's friend J. Andre Bardin tells us. "That's his voice, that's his mannerisms, and that is his house." Between Bardin's confirmation and the photograph we see no reason to doubt that the man in the video is Hillary's father, Judge William Adams, and have updated the post accordingly.

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