My health insurance went up $51 per check. The dental went up $11, vision went up $7, and then, more taxes came out. Wow, my check was over $100 less than normal. Sucks.
I really am surprised more people are not angry about this. I got my first raise in over 4 years at 2.5% and every bit of it was consumed by the fica going up 2%. I can't complain in that at least it didn't go down for me, but it was quite disappointing not to see it go up after this long without a raise...
let's not forget, the tax rate change are due to the expiration of the TEMPORARY Bush tax cut's. THE CUTS TO REFUND EXCESS TAXES FROM THE CLINTON SURPLUSES. Now that the surpluses have been gone for 10+ years, it is time to pay the piper.
so quit your bitchin and moanin, if you didn't see this coming, well you figure out the rest (hint what does Red call Eric).