A buddy of his was arrested 2 weeks ago in Tulsa. His handle is Not Now Maybe Later on YouTube. I just watched the hour and 20 minute video. I fast forwarded a bunch of it. It wasn't a 2A audit but more of a "I can walk around acting weird and take pictures of the mall security" if I want audit. The cop doesn't approach the guy until about 1hr 8mins into video. The guy is a nut job in my opinion but I disagree with how the arrest went. If ya get bored check it out. Lemme know if ya can't find it and need the link. I learned about it from one of Hubbards videos trying to rally the troops to come to this guys defense. This crap entertains me for some reason. LolI was just wondering about this guy the other day. I meant to update this thread to see if anyone had seen anything new on him. I can't find anything about his arrest. You would think his day in court should be soon.