This is a work in progress, as I'd like to try and find hand guards that better match the stock, especially the rear HG. So far, this M1 has gone from this:
To this:
The stock set is all birch, with DAS and serif-P cartouches, so the stock was sent to Springfield Armory for use as a replacement during a rebuild. It has bedding of a color and type seen on National Match rifles built by SA, though it came to me separate from any rifle on which it might've originally been placed. The front HG has a bit of figuring along the lower edge, but the rear HG only has two-tone figuring instead of the three-tone on the stock. If any of you folks ever come across a three-tone USGI rear HG made of birch, please let me know
Perplexed, how did you bring out that tiger? It may be the pic but in the before pic I'm just not seeing much. Gorgeous man, just gorgeous..