My newest column (foreign policy)

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Jan 19, 2007
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The only thing patently obvious is your envy and insecurity. Make all the jokes about it you want, but your contributions to your community and country will likely never measure up. And there's nothing wrong with that. 90% of the population is exactly where you are. It's just that most of them have the good graces to accept that and appreciate their troops and emergency services personnel for the good they do our country. You on the other hand, are incapable of that good grace. That is the only place you're lacking, not your lack of service. Yet you still haven't figured that out, have you? :(

And that's where we're different. You believe because one has a military uniform or a badge that their contributions are inherently greater to their country and community. I mean, I can see how one would think that... If they've been involved in either, they're going to want to think those things. I get it.

I shouldn't expect people to be objective, my mistake. Judge away, Glocktogo. :)


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Mar 15, 2009
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So we ring theirs constantly. It's naive to assume this has zero impact on us here.

i'm not being naive at all. of course it has an effect on us here, for the better. i believe that we would not live in such a great country and have the liberties and freedoms that we have.

you guiys can give all your love to ron paul that you want,but the truth is that as soon as we tell the would that we won't respnd to their stupidity,then all hell will break loose.


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Jan 12, 2007
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And that's where we're different. You believe because one has a military uniform or a badge that their contributions are inherently greater to their country and community. I mean, I can see how one would think that... If they've been involved in either, they're going to want to think those things. I get it.

I shouldn't expect people to be objective, my mistake. Judge away, Glocktogo. :)

Feel free to explain how yours are equal to theirs. I'm all ears! :D


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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i'm not being naive at all. of course it has an effect on us here, for the better. i believe that we would not live in such a great country and have the liberties and freedoms that we have.

you guiys can give all your love to ron paul that you want,but the truth is that as soon as we tell the would that we won't respnd to their stupidity,then all hell will break loose.
It is not about Ron Paul, it is about foreign policy. Paul just happens to be one of the few sane ones promoting a foreign policy that isn't aggressive.
Answer me this: why does Ron Paul have the most donations from active military? Twice what Obama has and three times what all the other GOP candidates combined have? It seems Obama and Paul, both who scaled down or want to scale down military involvement overseas are much more popular among active duty than the rest of hawkish GOP candidates. Explain that.
I've already heard many of you say you agree with Paul "except for his crazy foreign policy". You like this man for his consistent conservative ideals. You agree with his cutting spending and minimizing federal government. However, if the same man proposes scaling down overseas presence and conserving American lives and saving billions of dollars, not one of you can understand that. Is it really so important that we maintain bases in over 100 countries and spend more than the top 20 countries combined?
Several members here have already said we invade countries to save the people and liberate the country from tyrants. OK. Then where are we in Zimbabwe, Syria, Sudan, or Myanmar? It is not expedient that we invade those countries. Despite the human suffering and agony, we do nothing.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
You know, Slugger, you asked for comments on your article. I told you that I thought it was interesting, you write well although I disagree with your opinion. If you're going to be a writer, you need to get used to criticism and people disagreeing with you constantly. Did you really want honest feedback or were you just looking to bait some of us into yet another "PAUL OR NOTHING" argument that the General Discussions forum has devolved into recently? If you can't show respect for people with a dissenting opinion, you probably shouldn't be a writer.


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2010
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I've been around. Three years in Japan, two and one half years in what used to be West Germany, and one and one half years years in Saudi Arabia. All between 1970 and 1981. Japan and Germany courtesy of the USAF and Saudi courtesy of Lockheed and the Saudi Air Force.

Has the Foreign Policy of the United States done anything right in the past 60 years?

Like propping up the UN and all those tiny Dictatorial Governments and self-appointed Kings / Generals / Emperors / what evers?

Like pledging some 15 Billion in aid to countries on the African Continent to help fight HIV?

Like the fall of the Soviet Union?

Like the support of the Polish Solidarity Movement?

Like the utilization of the DoD in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami? The Japanese quake and tsunami?

Like helping to end what academics call ethnic cleansing but others call mass murder and genocide in Bosnia? By the way, there were lots of Muslims being butchered and raped, too. Why no recognition of that fact by Muslims? It was a UN action a not an American invasion. But I suppose one could make the argument that because we caused the fall of the USSR that the resultant freedoms and pent up frustrations that were released in the region were our fault, as well.

Like assisting the UN - not an American invasion - to stop the ChiComs in Korea?

Like not selling (I don't remember where I read it) nukes and bombers to the French so they could win the French Indochina War with a bang? The French pulled out in '54 (Dien Bien Phu) and we stayed with our advisers that had been there since 1950. I don't think a handful of advisers at the request of the host government can be considered an invasion. An example of European colonialism at is worst. Oh, yeah – we were Britain’s Colonies until we declared our independence and fought a Revolution, too!

Like helping our ally the UK defend the Falklands against the Argentinian Invasion in 1982? We picked up a lot of their NATO load so they could conduct the operation to protect their sovereignty.

Like the massive and overwhelming contributions to the International Space Station?

Like working to solve the Mid East problem? The Arab Tribes in the Middle East have been killing each other since before Biblical times. It is ancient tribal warfare, with ancient cultural and religious differences using modern weapons, comms media and laws. Not to mention the aid and assistance of many (sympathizers) like the UN and Hollywood elites. The first Jews were also Arabs. I think if we were to abandon Israel, the surrounding Arab countries would annihilate the Israelis, Christians, Jews, children, aged, infirm, Jordanians, Palestinians, ad infinitum. It doesn’t make any difference the collateral damage (loss of innocent life) the Arabs would inflict in their gleeful, warring splurge. Just the fortunes of war. In shaa'Allah. If God wills it What if the Iranians – really Persians- drop a nuke on Jerusalem in the name of Allah in a Jihad? I guess that would be OK for the Iranians to start WW III. Will the good old USA will just sit on the side lines and watch? Is that what you want? I’ll tell you this – the USA can’t solve the problem. Or would you prefer a preemptive strike by the Israelis? But I’m sure it would have to be a surgical strike with no loss of life, too. Talk about hypocrisy.

Foreign Policy, as I recall, is entirely within the purview of the President, not the Government at large. I’d like to think they did what they thought was right at the time. (Jimmy Carter got the Mexicans to spray paraquat herbicide on Marijuana fields to stop the pot back in the 70s. It worked. Stopped the Mex pot. But the Colombian Cocaine trade was right there ready and waiting with the Medellin Marching Dust and presto changeo – we’ve got a coke problem that put the MJ problems to shame. A well intentioned plan that went terribly wrong – like all federal ideas and laws) Don’t forget the highly regarded United Nations and our ally’s in organizations like NATO, SEATO, etc. People like you and me who counted on our politicians and the UN to do the right thing; John Wayne, Boy Scouts and a sound moral fiber and conscience. HAH! How do we know that anyone could or can or really want do better?

I do not see the USA as the global patrolman; more like a neighborhood watch.

One last thought on a strong military: Be prepared for the worst; work and invest towards the best. Appeasement does not work.

Remember –
Life is not fair
There are no guarantees
None of the rules have to make sense
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun – Chairman Mao

Dr. Paul’s ideas sound great – but will fail just as miserably and surely as all the others.

How about a piece extolling the virtues of the American Foreign Policy and all she has done that is good in the past 60 years?

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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
You know, Slugger, you asked for comments on your article. I told you that I thought it was interesting, you write well although I disagree with your opinion. If you're going to be a writer, you need to get used to criticism and people disagreeing with you constantly. Did you really want honest feedback or were you just looking to bait some of us into yet another "PAUL OR NOTHING" argument that the General Discussions forum has devolved into recently? If you can't show respect for people with a dissenting opinion, you probably shouldn't be a writer.
It got out of hand. I'm obviously opinionated. I was looking for honest feedback and I got from both people that agree and those that disagree. I do respect your opinion.
I'll "behave".

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