negotiating with terrorists

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uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Well, the quickest way to raise my ire is to use racist ********.

Hairtrigger may have been the first to bring up race, but you were the first to make it about racism.

Wonder why? But im with UMB, whos the better President should be another thread.

Now negotiating with terrorists I see as a good conversation. When your at war AND the war has to end AND everybody has to go home, WHOS JOB IS IT TO END THIS FIASCO and BRING EVERYONE BACK HOME??????

I'll tell ya who. Its the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENTS JOB. Like it or not to effing bad. Its his Presidency, he won, now let him end the mess anyway he wants. Let our 1(ONE) POW come home. Let almost all of those GITMO fellas either go home or Try them in court. But end this dumbshit bullshi+ war against whoever. Quit already.

Thank you.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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The budget was never balanced under Clinton, the National debt grew every year of his presidency. The deficit grew during the last Clinton budget. And peace? Please.

The reason Obama gets it worse than Bush is because everything bush did poorly, Obama has done just as poorly or worse. Obama has done things Bush didn't do that are extremely unpopular. And most importantly, Obama is anti gun and this is a gun board. I think giving him a pass on everything he has and/or hasn't done because he is black would be racist.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Dunno, ask hairtrigger why he brought up race.

Really, though, half the stuff you guys get up in arms about, again, Bush did the same, and we all know you weren't nearly as upset about it until Obama started doing it too.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy and putting things in a perspective. So far this forum has been a massive pure Obama hating circlejerk, which is cool, but don't be surprised when someone points it out.

Especially when someone starts throwing race around like Hairtrigger. I mean, seriously, wtf does affirmative action have to do with getting someone elected? That's not even subtle racism.

You didn't join this forum until 6 months AFTER Bush was out of office, so you don't know squat about what was said around here when he was. There were quite a few of us who were not at all happy about what he did as POTUS. The only real differences are that no one ever doubted his conviction that he thought what he was doing was right, and he NEVER whined like a little baby that everything was all Clinton's fault like Obama and his defenders have.

As for Obama's defenders, every time someone criticizes his performance, they come pouring out of the crevices to cry "RACISM!!!" to shout everyone else down. I wouldn't agree that Affirmative Action is why Obama gets away with being such a terrible president, but not one single person can deny that his buddies use it like interlocking Roman shields to protect him from pretty much every consequence imaginable.

You'll never get me to say GB was a good president, but he has more honor in his little pinky that Obama will ever have. You can take that to the bank! :mad:


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
You didn't join this forum until 6 months AFTER Bush was out of office, so you don't know squat about what was said around here when he was.

but not one single person can deny that his buddies use it like interlocking Roman shields to protect him from pretty much every consequence imaginable.

You'll never get me to say GB was a good president, but he has more honor in his little pinky that Obama will ever have. You can take that to the bank! :mad:

Its possible that while he may not of been a member he could have Lurked for a few years.

And I dont think Romans interlocked their sheilds...I think it was the Greeks.

I try not to blame Bush but if Obama is the worst or Sorryiest President we've ever had, its because Obamas nose is only slightly longer than Bushs.

These 2 guys should go down in history together as the Worst to President ever.

Just razzin ya JB.

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