negotiating with terrorists

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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Marcus Luttrells take.

Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell doesn’t typically follow politics, joking that he prefers to see his enemy in front of him on the battlefield. But after the Obama administration released five senior Taliban leaders from the prison at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for nearly five years, many have been asking for his insight.

The lone survivor of Operation Redwing in Afghanistan, Luttrell told Glenn Beck Wednesday that the Taliban did all they could not only to kill him, but to “cut [his] head off.”

“They were doing everything they could to get to me to kill me,” he said.

“That’s the part that kind of got me off-guard, was the fact that they held him,” Luttrell continued, expressing surprise that Bergdahl was kept alive this long. “They don’t normally do that.”

Luttrell said he fought to the death each day, and when he left, there weren’t “any sweet goodbyes. … It was an all-out gunfight.”

Many of those who served with Bergdahl, or whose loved ones were killed searching for him, have spoken out since the exchange, labeling Bergdahl everything from a “deserter” to a “traitor.” They said he regularly expressed anti-American views, abandoned his post, and that there was a marked increase in strategic attacks after he left.

Luttrell said when he was being held by the Taliban, the thought “never even crossed [his] mind” that he would be freed because of a prisoner exchange, and he wouldn’t have wanted it.

“The thing that I held on to was that my teammates would come get me, or I was going to die out there, not turn over some of the guys that were responsible for some of the worst atrocities that we’ve seen so far,” he remarked.

Luttrell added that he’s spoken with a couple of buddies who were in Afghanistan at the time Bergdahl left, and they’re “pretty upset … that this went down the way it did.”

Asked about the VA scandal, Luttrell said he never speaks poorly of the president, but “it was a good job on the politicians, shucking off the VA scandal by doing the whole Bergdahl thing.”

“That provides plenty of top cover, even if it did backfire,” he added. “And releasing those [Taliban leaders] is a bad move.”

Luttrell said America is “playing with the dangerous end of the knife” with what we’ve done, saying those who believe the Taliban has been “eradicated” need to remember that organizations like the Taliban are built from the “top down, not from the bottom up.”

“So you put the brain trust in there and they recruit, build. The brains of the organization, that’s the dangerous part of it,” Luttrell said. “I can’t stress this enough – there’s going to be some bloodshed here in the future. You don’t get that passive, peaceful soul sitting in Gitmo.”


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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Obama finally receives the type of coverage that he deserves from one of the few "Magazines" that is fully capable of covering/discussing/analyzing his fitness for the Presidency of the United States of America.
Mad Magazine Destroys Obama's Taliban Swap
by Christian Toto3 Jun 2014

"Count Mad Magazine as the first pop culture institution to target President Barack Obama's Taliban prisoner swap.

It's hard to imagine any other humorist in any other medium hitting back quite so hard in the days to come."...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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Ted Cruz poses two good questions:
1. How many soldiers have died because of these terrorists?
2. How many soldiers are possibly going to die in the future because of these very same terrorists?
At least private Sean Ryan(in the movie Saving Private Ryan) mourned the loss of life that enable to him to come back from the war, live out his life and raise his family. IMHO, I don't think that Obama and other libs have a clue as to what they have done. Death is just a pawn in the Obama administration's game(Fast & Furious, Benghazi, releasing of terrorists, etc., etc.) of being President and getting their way.
Ted Cruz: 'How Many Soldiers Lost Their Lives to Capture These Five Taliban Terrorists?'
on Breitbart TV 3 Jun 2014
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If Bergdahl was captured in combat, one could excuse his conduct under a possible Stockholm syndrome defense, but he walked away from his post with a compass and a knife. Later communication intercepts prove he was looking for Al-Qaida. They found him, and shortly afterward the IED's became more effective.

6 American soldiers lost their lives along with multiple WIA looking for this deserter over a 60 day period. While these assets were in the field, other units that were short handed suffered casuality's by their folks involved in the search.

For what ever reason, his platoon was required to sign a non-disclosure form that prohibited them from talking about the incident.

Now, they are speaking out. Screw the statement.

They are saying he was a deserter, and left his post voluntarily.

They aren't happy with what the media, and the president are saying and did.

Just Sunday, Susan Rice that said Benghazi was because of an internet video, was bragging on Berghdal for his service and calling him a hero.

Today, there are reports that the US Gov was considering paying cash to the Pakistani's, then decided to trade prisoners, non of which have been determined to be a prisoner of war.

Then, they never consulted congress. Another big offense.

Meanwhile, the dad keeps quoting the Pashtun victory cry. Obama smiles when he does it at the Rose Garden.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 6, 2014
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N.E. Oklahoma
If Bergdahl was captured in combat, one could excuse his conduct under a possible Stockholm syndrome defense, but he walked away from his post with a compass and a knife. Later communication intercepts prove he was looking for Al-Qaida. They found him, and shortly afterward the IED's became more effective.

6 American soldiers lost their lives along with multiple WIA looking for this deserter over a 60 day period. While these assets were in the field, other units that were short handed suffered casuality's by their folks involved in the search.

For what ever reason, his platoon was required to sign a non-disclosure form that prohibited them from talking about the incident.

Now, they are speaking out. Screw the statement.

They are saying he was a deserter, and left his post voluntarily.

They aren't happy with what the media, and the president are saying and did.

Just Sunday, Susan Rice that said Benghazi was because of an internet video, was bragging on Berghdal for his service and calling him a hero.

Today, there are reports that the US Gov was considering paying cash to the Pakistani's, then decided to trade prisoners, non of which have been determined to be a prisoner of war.

Then, they never consulted congress. Another big offense.

Meanwhile, the dad keeps quoting the Pashtun victory cry. Obama smiles when he does it at the Rose Garden.

This is right on the money.
They should all be in chains, every last one of them that is tied to this. It's like it was planned from day one, the entire thing from the beginning. Block by block the wall weakens.

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