That's right. But my dad and his 11 siblings, bathed once a week, or whatever, grandpa got the first bath, then grandma, then the kids oldest to youngest.If my memory serves me correctly, I read once that in Merry Ole England many years ago, the people did not bathe all winter for fear of getting sick. They bathed once the weather warmed and the man of the house got the first bath and then on down the line in the same bath water. The baby being the last to get a bath and by that time the water was so dirty, it would be easy to miss the baby in the dirty water.
11 kids 2 years apart so there was a baby for years in that house.
Same with the saying A pot to piss in and a window to toss it out.
Dad grew up with a piss pot in the bedroom so they didn't have to run to the outhouse in winter...they had windows but they didn't open.
My uncle said the lap siding on this house had gaps big enough to throw a cat through lol.
Dad said there was often show on his bed in the morning.
Maybe one of the poorest families in Pott Co.