First of all, I don't see this conflict in Section 1272 that is going to cause such a problem with anything in Section 1289.6. However, here is the language I'm talking about:
First, we would have replaced Section 1289.6.A.6 to with: "When carried in a holster that is wholly or partially visible or in a scabbard, case or with a sling designed for carrying firearms that is wholly or partially visible and the person is eighteen (18) years of age or older. Any person who carries a firearm in the manner provided for in this paragraph shall be prohibited from carrying the firearm into any of the places prescribed in subsection A of Section 1277 of this title; or"
Second, we would have added: "Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize a law enforcement officer to inspect any weapon properly openly holstered or concealed without probable casue that a crime has been committed." The exact location this language would be placed in the section is still being debated. But, it will be added as well.
I'm going to have to side with veggie. Regardless of how much language is added, the bill would still only be a small step in the right direction. And when we later try to pass a real open carry bill, they would all be saying "but, we just gave you an open carry bill last time!"
I have absolutely zero faith that these clowns would pass a real, unrestricted, open carry bill after passing this thing.