Piers Organ gets smoked

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Jan 8, 2013
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Gees.....Elder is as much a complete sack of moronic BS as is Morgan.

Same idiot...other side of the fence.

Jmike, Elder is an OK guy. And what he didn't mention is that a lot of African Americans don't like to see other African Americans succeed in the European American way. Those that do succeed are often called "Toms", and ostracized. It's peer pressure not to succeed.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Good video. I don't usually watch that tabloid journalist wanted-in-England-for-illegally-hacking-phones Piers Morgan. He makes me sick.
He is the best thing we can have as an anti 2A person. A pompous Brit telling us we don't need guns! Even the liberals dislike him.

What I got from this video was the following:
1. Calling blacks victims is extremely racist. I agree completely. The liberals are extremely racist towards all colored people. They view them only in terms of their color and draw inferences from that color.
2. The number of kids born and raised in single family homes has shot up over the last 40 years. Kids are steadily being exposed to violence in movies, TV and games. It occurred to me that in spite of that, the crime rate is down! What could explain that? The only thing that I can think of is the arming of law abiding citizens over the last 30 years following the CCW laws that have come up, as well as the stand your ground and castle doctrine laws that protect law abiding gun owners when they are forced to use a gun to defend themselves.

On to the girl. The girl who testified (I forget her name) is not stupid in my opinion, she just has trouble expressing herself, doesn't speak much, has probably seen and been through stuff many folks have not, and has serious societal interaction issues. She could do with some socialization, if she wants to be employed.
In my opinion, she gave a key piece of evidence that explains why Martin attacked Zimmerman out of the blue. She said that Martin told her a creepy ass cracker (meaning a "pervert" in her own words) was following him and he was worried this male pervert would follow him to his Dad's girlfriend's house where there was a younger male staying as well.

In my opinion, 6 foot tall Martin then looked at 5'6" and much thinner Zimmerman (Zimmm has put on 120 lbs since the incident) and decided he was going to make an example of this skinny pervert. So , as per Zimm's interview with hannity and his testimony to the Police (Zimm took 2 lie detector tests and passed them ) Martin walks up to Zimm, says "Do you have a problem?" Zimm says" NO, I got no problem"...Martin says "well you have now, MF". and breaks his nose with the first punch. The fact that some drugs were found in Martin's system and he was interested in physical fighting is important.
During the beating, the gun was exposed, and according to Zimm, both made a grab at it. Martin said "Yo are going to die tonight, MF" and kept banging Zimm's head. Zimm managed to get teh gun and it went off once.
So, beating up a skinny hispanic gay man who was a creepy ass pervert may well have motivated Martin to attack Zimm.
This is Limbaugh's theory, and it makes sense to me.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Thank you.....just because Elder could yell and ramble doesn't mean he got the best of the argument.

Couldn't figure out which one annoyed me more.
I hate to say it, but I don't think either of them particularly won that argument. I certainly don't think the Brithole got "smoked," it was more like they both lost.


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Mar 15, 2009
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i respect larry elder which is more than i can say for piers morgan. however, i think he should have allowed morgan the chance to lay down his slant and then calmly bomb him with facts.


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
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Moore, OK
Jmike, Elder is an OK guy. And what he didn't mention is that a lot of African Americans don't like to see other African Americans succeed in the European American way. Those that do succeed are often called "Toms", and ostracized. It's peer pressure not to succeed.

You do understand that you're attempting to educate a black man on how black people think/act, right?

I respect Elder for what he's accomplished in his life but the only thing he accomplished in his rant against Morgan was to show everyone how many words can come out of his mouth at one time without ever answering a question. Morgan is a tool and Elder was given a perfect opportunity to rebut him. Instead, he chooses to just run off at the mouth...I tend to tune the talkies out when they start saying words for the sake of hearing their on voice.

Elder should have been better than what he showed in that video.

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