Please tell me he didn't really say that....

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Personally I like that Trump fights back. Far to many years the Democrats and their media lap dogs got away with lying about Republicans. I do think he gets carried away at times but he has done such a good job I can forgive that.

He will win by an even bigger landslide than last time and all the liberal journalists and others with TDS will continue to fail at bringing him down. He is living rent free in their heads and I’m loving every minute of it. He baits them right into the trap and they stupidly fall for it time after time. Biden can’t complete a coherent sentence. It’s hilarious that of all the Democrats in the USA, this old senile fool is their choice. I can’t wait for the debates and CNN live coverage as the country turns red again on election night.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

These two comments "kind of" go together. Initially, I hated it that Trump tweeted all the time, but I've since decided that Trump's Twitter account is what really gives him the ability to say what he wants and the media and Democrats not misconstrue his words. And, he seems to do a marvelous job of trolling all of them.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Biden has working man’s hair plugs
Trump has scalp reduction and a comb-over designed by a crack team of Cal Tech engineers that he sent to beauty school


Let's get the "sarcasm sign" up quickly with the above emoji.

If I really wanted to learn to do it, I'd almost create a poll with a quote from Biden, one from Trump, and one like this one from Iggy, and then I'd ask the OSA community to chime in on which one was the dumbest, most outrageous, or most sarcastic....

....just where would Iggy rate?



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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That would be another pointless endeavor on your part, Terry.
I’d be as coherent as either of them but it’s too late for me to even get on the ballot in most states.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
The way I take it, he's not saying that testing causes infection; he's saying that our numbers are high because we do more testing. If we didn't test as much, our numbers wouldn't be so high.
I think maybe he's trying to explain why our numbers look higher than other countries.

Don't get me wrong; he says some really dumb stuff sometimes. I think he just doesn't express himself in a way that's easy to understand.
This is exactly what I thought he meant. But of course the trump haters have to immediately jump to it being something horrible. But as usual the media takes something he says out of context.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
But when he provides those stupid answers (your words, not mine) he turns off people who might vote for him but instead decide he is just another moron and so they either vote against him or just don't vote at all. Either of those is bad.
If people want to vote for someone based upon what they say then they are an idiot. I prefer to see what someone does. The old saying “actions speak louder than words” comes to mind.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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If people want to vote for someone based upon what they say then they are an idiot. I prefer to see what someone does. The old saying “actions speak louder than words” comes to mind.
Except most people don't really have any idea what has or has not been done, and they listen to what the main stream media says to decide who to vote for or whether or not to even vote. And he gives them plenty of ammunition to turn off the "undecideds" that he needs to have vote for him.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I think the biggest problem Trump has is not that he fights back, not that he says what he thinks, but mainly that he just doesn't know when to shut the hell up.

I don't think there're many out there who will argue that Trump isn't a narcissist. I think he's a textbook narcissist... that doesn't mean he doesn't have good intentions, that he doesn't want the best for our country, no. But part of the problem is he gets extremely defensive when he's attacked and he lashes out and strikes back vehemently - I think he's got a little Narcisisstic Personality Disorder combined with a little bit of Borderline Personality Disorder. He is a perfect study in the defense mechanism of splitting. You're either with him or against him, and when you're against him, he feels the need to completely, utterly and totally discredit you. This is often harmful to the underlying cause, when the disagreement you have with him may be minor.

Wait until he turns on Fauci or Birx or whatever. We've seen it over and over. When Mnuchin stands up and disagrees with him, he'll be thrown out like a bum, same with Flynn, same with tons of people in his administration.

Trump loves to hear himself talk, and he feels like he HAS to talk CONTINUALLY, to reassure people, to fluff his own ego and to fill the void. He can't just say, "No, we're not going to do that, I don't believe that's the right idea." He has to expound upon why his ideas are right for 15 minutes and point out all the great things that have led to him coming up with these ideas and why everyone else thought he would fail when he ultimately will win, etc., etc., etc.

If he'd learn to stick to a script, he'd stop ad libbing all the damned time and those off the cuff remarks trying to fill the void about things he knows little or nothing about are where he gets into trouble verbally and eventually is perceived as a doofus.

I am glad he's our President over Hillary, but I'd be damned if I'd want to have him at my backyard BBQ because I'd get pissed off at his bluster and trying to dominate everyone at the table and throw his ass out.

It is what it is. We have what we have, and we have it because we've had sh|tty choices.


Special Hen
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
I am glad he's our President over Hillary, but I'd be damned if I'd want to have him at my backyard BBQ because I'd get pissed off at his bluster and trying to dominate everyone at the table and throw his ass out.
If he brought Melania with him I think I could tolerate him. Especially if it was a pool party.

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