I've noticed that...it's pretty sad.
I was wanting some M&P 15-22 mags for our two rifles but everywhere I look they are sold out....then I see a guy with 6 or 7 of them on Armslist selling for $75 a PIECE! You know that turd found a store that got a shipment in and bought them all to sell at a huge markup. People need to start thinking about all their fellow shooters who can longer even go to the range and shoot. Parents all over the country telling their kids that they can't go shoot their guns because mom and dad can't even find .22 ammo anymore while these @sshats circle the stores every morning when the trucks come in to buy all the ammo they can whether they need it or not.
On some items, contact the manufacturer directly. They might have to charge a few $ more than some of the big distributors, but your paying for a one item deal vs a big store that gets a volume discount.