I have recently been going through assorted bags and backpacks, trying to find the perfect range bag. My last one was a NCSTAR Competition Range Bag that worked for a few years, but was getting to where I needed more space. This led me to buy the Votagoo Tactical Range Backpack, but I ran into problems with it. It really doesn't hold any more than my NCSTAR bag and the included pistol pouches will not fit in the way they show them being used in the pictures. They are too long and stick out if you try. Votagoo apparently knows this as they don't ship them that way, they are shipped in the main compartment, set vertically. This would mean you would have to remove all the items in the main compartment that are above them, to remove your guns from the bag. It also doesn't have much in the way of mag carrying capacity, but I helped that by installing some mag carriers on the MOLLE. I have determined that this will not be the bag for me in the long run and have already ordered a replacement, the Savior Equipment Pro SEMA Tactical Backpack. It should fix most of what I found wrong with the first backpack, but still doesn't have much in the way of dedicated mag storage. I will have to see if I need a seperate mag bag, that can take the place of one of the pistol pouches, as I only need two of those.
What do you use as your range or go bag? Use a backpack or something more like the NCSTAR I used to have (camera bag sized)? How do you carry your mags to the range, in your range bag or something separate? The soon to be replaced Votagoo bag below, I don't seem to have a picture of my old bag and have already passed it on.
What do you use as your range or go bag? Use a backpack or something more like the NCSTAR I used to have (camera bag sized)? How do you carry your mags to the range, in your range bag or something separate? The soon to be replaced Votagoo bag below, I don't seem to have a picture of my old bag and have already passed it on.