Red Wasps Have Declared War

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Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Are mud daubers the ones the come from under the ground? I hate those things.
I think hornets (and bumblebees) are the ones that build their nests underground. Spider killer and cicada killer wasps will also come out of the ground, but they just bury their prey and lay their eggs in the hole, they don’t build colony nests there.

It is kind of fun watching the spider killer wasps drag those paralyzed spiders across the shop floor on the way to the burial site. The spiders are usually much larger than the wasps, so they have to work at getting them over obstacles.


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May 28, 2021
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Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
Big red wasp sting on the left thumb base on a hot day killed a friend of mine. She went into shock and her heart stopped less than a minute after being stung while harvesting broccoli.
The red and mohogany wasp varieties are nasty. The blue winged ones seem to go psycho in hotter weather.
I got hit by 3 when I tried to pump water out of an old hand pump and their nest was in the spout. Made me puke and it happened about mid morning and wiped me out the rest of the day.
Nuke the bastards from orbit, excessive amounts of ordinance encouraged.


Are you serious?
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Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
Friday evening I was walking across the front porch and a red wasp literally bounced off my right arm and was able to sting the s**t outta me in that brief millisecond he was in contact with my skin. He got me just below my right elbow and by the next day my elbow joint and the lower part of my arm was noticeably swollen and was very painful.

Saturday evening one got me on the back of my left calf while walking up the driveway. The sting hurt worse but I didn't get as sore and the swelling wasn't as bad.

At times when I was delivering propane I'd get stung by yellow jackets 3 or 4 times a day during the summer. I never had a reaction like I did with these red sonsabeaches.

I spent a good portion of the day today hunting and killing anything that flew that looked even remotely like a wasp.
Sounds like how our Saturday morning went (except we didn't get stung). My wife has a decorative birdhouse on the front porch that we had to move to paint. It was picked up and moved off the porch about 10 feet. I was cleaning up dirt dobber nests and turned around to see about 8 wasps hovering around my wife. I have no idea why they didn't attack either of us, but we spent the next 10 minutes killing 10 or more of them. And the killing continued for the rest of the day. I think we killed close to 20 of those suckers. That nest was huge.


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Dec 29, 2023
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Le Flore County
I bought my cabin in the Ouachitas viewed it, bought it, came back a month later and the inside was full of red wasps. Everything I read said their nests typically include around 20 adults. There were many more than 20 inside my cabin. When Fall came about I started taking the cabin apart and build on and found no less that 5 wasp nests in the cabin. These things are evil!

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I remember when the 30' wasp spray used to kill them suckers before they could drop to the ground, but then the .gov got involved and now when sprayed they do a little bobble, give you 'thanks' for the quick shower and fly away.:censored:

I dunno... I'm using a foam spray that comes out in a pretty powerful stream around the outbuildings (forget the brand) that seems to work well. Little s**ts just fall right to the ground if the spray hits them. Then a size 10 boot up their tiny little wasp asses puts the finishing touches on 'em. I get an evil sort of pleasure from killing them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 30, 2010
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Yeah the red ones have a nasty sting. They usually won’t mess with ya but if they’ve got a nest nearby all bets are off.

I’ve been attacked by groups of them before when I disturbed a huge nest underneath a trailer tongue. Got tagged 5 times on my right hand. They were continuing to dive bomb me as i ran away. As in diving into me with their butts tilted down and stingers out. I got hit several times in the torso this way.

It sucked. My right hand that got hit 5 times was very swollen for about 3 days.

Kill em… kill em all
Guess I been lucky dont think ever seen a red wasp. Was surprised to see your post.

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