Here's a short but interesting piece about Mr Alan Gottlieb, of the Second Amendment Foundation, and his view that the failure of Manchin-Toomey in the Senate led directly to Washington State's extremely tough anti-2A law of 2015.
Gottlieb: 'Like It or Not Americans Support the term Background Check' - GunsAmerica Digest
His view is that "like it or not" there is strong support among most Americans for background checks and by rigidly opposing them, rather than shaping them, Gun Rights advocates are effectively ceding the battle field to Anti-2A folks who will win this battle and set up much worse conditions than otherwise.
This is an older interview that was attached to a recent article about Sen Pat Toomey (R-PA) supposedly promising not to reintroduce Manchin-Toomey this year.
Gottlieb: 'Like It or Not Americans Support the term Background Check' - GunsAmerica Digest
His view is that "like it or not" there is strong support among most Americans for background checks and by rigidly opposing them, rather than shaping them, Gun Rights advocates are effectively ceding the battle field to Anti-2A folks who will win this battle and set up much worse conditions than otherwise.
This is an older interview that was attached to a recent article about Sen Pat Toomey (R-PA) supposedly promising not to reintroduce Manchin-Toomey this year.