Some people really do have no clue.
This is from the Enid Opinions section.
This is from the Enid Opinions section.
Letter: Legislature’s firearm bill will increase our murder rate
Anonymous Enid News and Eagle The Enid News and Eagle Fri Apr 27, 2012, 10:32 PM CDT
I am writing in regard to the firearm bill allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons. I cannot imagine the Legislature introducing such a bill unless they are being subsidized by the NRA.
I’ve had pistol training several times in and out of the Army and was issued a federal permit to carry a weapon, but I have no desire to carry one. Keeping the peace is what we pay law enforcement to do - and if this bill passes, it will put them at a terrible disadvantage. People do regrettable things when angry, and this bill will only increase our murder rate.
If people must carry weapons, make them wear them in the open where an officer can see them.
David D. Jeter