My wife is a teacher's aide and works with special needs children. She has also taught kindergarten. She has a degree in early childhood development. She is also a former Marine. Gun Regulation is not the answer. The firearms were legally purchased by the woman who's son killed her with the very weapons she bought. She also taught at the school. After her son dispatched her, he used her ID to gain access to the school. According to my wife, the school followed protocol and because of the protocol, many more lives were saved. From what I understand is this guy suffered from a form of high functioning Autism known as Asperger's Syndrome. He was home-schooled because he could not function in the class room. But apparently this guy was a video game freak who spent his days playing murder and mayhem online in a virtual killing field. It was here he began to be desensitized to the slaughter of innocent people. His mother was somewhat responsible because she failed to keep the weapons secure along with the ammunition. Now you have the precious children of New Town Connecticut becoming victims along with their parents. Can anyone imagine the sorrow and pain these mothers and father's must feel when they went home on Friday night and looked at all those presents for their babies under the tree? The heartache must be searing. What can be done? I have heard a lot of suggestions, but I am just not sure that arming the teachers or the administrators is the answer. Educators are not trained in handling weapons. They are teachers. To me the solution might be a volunteer watch to guard the children while they are in the class room.