Should prescription drugs be........

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Rod Snell

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2006
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If they banned all the ads on TV that I hate and put on the ones I like, there only only be about a dozen left.

But I'd prefer to "ban the banning" and let the free market rule than have the selective censoring we endure now.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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Wow I guess we found OSA's limits on capitalism. I do admit it is a touchy subject, however what legitimate reason can you give for not allowing them to advertise? You can not just go to the store and purchase them they must be prescribed by a Dr.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Every time I see an ad for a new diabetes drug, I wonder how long it will be until my own ad is on for victims of that drug. Seriously, I have Avandia, Actos and Victioza cases. I'm diabetic and the only drug I take is Metformin.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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Every time I see an ad for a new diabetes drug, I wonder how long it will be until my own ad is on for victims of that drug. Seriously, I have Avandia, Actos and Victioza cases. I'm diabetic and the only drug I take is Metformin.

And that one can give you some stomach pyrotechnics from what I understand. So even it's not free of criticism. I really wonder how some of these things ever make it to market.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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The pharmaceutical companies are along with big oil in the top two spots of "Companies who cheat Americans Blind" list. The horrible things they do, and get away with, are staggering. It doesn't really matter if they advertise or not they're going to rob you no matter what.

But...but...they spend so much money developing life saving drugs so why begrudge them a little profit??? Because there's no such thing as a little profit with these companies. They make gigantic profits off charging sick Americans ridiculous prices. They don't charge these huge prices in other countries, a pill here may cost $20 while in Canada or Mexico or England or India that same pill costs 15 cents. Why you ask? Because pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. spend tons more money paying lobbyists and whatever/whoever else needs paying, to ensure our government doesn't force them to play fair here like other countries do.

A few years ago I got really sick and the doctor had to prescribe a drug that he said "was a little pricey" but with insurance it wouldn't be as bad. I dragged my sick butt down to the pharmacy and had them fill the prescription. When they rang it up the price was just under $300 so I asked "you did use my insurance on this right?" because I assumed she rang it up without going through my insurance and she said "yes, this is the cost after the insurance paid most of it". I had one of those cartoon head shake moments and I said "whaaaat?". She said "I know, it doesn't make sense, each pill is $80. We have lots of prescriptions like that and sometimes they'll even change. One day a 15 day script is one price, then a week later it's up or down $300, it doesn't make sense". So, for example, a medication that costs $10 for a one month supply in most other countries will cost $170 for a one month supply here in the US because the pharmaceutical companies makes sure our government doesn't stop them and we all just sit back and take it.

You can bet if they are advertising whatever prescription drug it's not because they want to help sick people by showing the meds on TV but so that, as others already mentioned, people will say "Hey, I have that (disease, condition, ailment...)! I need THAT drug" and tell doctors that's the drug they need. Used to be a medical professional would examine you and prescribe a medication based on their experience but that didn't get enough "Robublyndazine" orders coming in so they went straight to the public to prey on the masses directly.

It's less about capitalism in this case and more about these companies finding a new means to fleece the public and that's a shame.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Well, I am blessed in that I take very few prescription drugs. I say that because it seems that all the commercials on TV do is tell us of all the negative side effects for the drugs and not so much about the benefit of them.

If anyone knows about Eczema, you know it is a skin condition that can occasionally flare up and itch. I remember a few years ago, they came out with a product that was specifically for Eczema. Guess what one of the side effects was.......



I passed.


Jun 7, 2013
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5 seconds of "buy me" with 25 seconds of disclaimer. they have to make clever ads that stand on their own without sound because THAT is taken up with "if you have hives, itching or inflamed tongue, scratchy butt or bleeding eyes, contact your doctor immediatley...." - ugh

spare me.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2011
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The pharmaceutical companies are along with big oil in the top two spots of "Companies who cheat Americans Blind" list. The horrible things they do, and get away with, are staggering. It doesn't really matter if they advertise or not they're going to rob you no matter what.

But...but...they spend so much money developing life saving drugs so why begrudge them a little profit??? Because there's no such thing as a little profit with these companies. They make gigantic profits off charging sick Americans ridiculous prices. They don't charge these huge prices in other countries, a pill here may cost $20 while in Canada or Mexico or England or India that same pill costs 15 cents. Why you ask? Because pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. spend tons more money paying lobbyists and whatever/whoever else needs paying, to ensure our government doesn't force them to play fair here like other countries do.

A few years ago I got really sick and the doctor had to prescribe a drug that he said "was a little pricey" but with insurance it wouldn't be as bad. I dragged my sick butt down to the pharmacy and had them fill the prescription. When they rang it up the price was just under $300 so I asked "you did use my insurance on this right?" because I assumed she rang it up without going through my insurance and she said "yes, this is the cost after the insurance paid most of it". I had one of those cartoon head shake moments and I said "whaaaat?". She said "I know, it doesn't make sense, each pill is $80. We have lots of prescriptions like that and sometimes they'll even change. One day a 15 day script is one price, then a week later it's up or down $300, it doesn't make sense". So, for example, a medication that costs $10 for a one month supply in most other countries will cost $170 for a one month supply here in the US because the pharmaceutical companies makes sure our government doesn't stop them and we all just sit back and take it.

You can bet if they are advertising whatever prescription drug it's not because they want to help sick people by showing the meds on TV but so that, as others already mentioned, people will say "Hey, I have that (disease, condition, ailment...)! I need THAT drug" and tell doctors that's the drug they need. Used to be a medical professional would examine you and prescribe a medication based on their experience but that didn't get enough "Robublyndazine" orders coming in so they went straight to the public to prey on the masses directly.

It's less about capitalism in this case and more about these companies finding a new means to fleece the public and that's a shame.

Off topic but since you mentioned it: .gov makes more profit off gasoline tax than "evil" oil companies do in profit.

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