Shoulder Impingement Surgery

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Oct 9, 2012
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I've had both shoulders done. torn tendons, reattached to titanium pin. Both surgeries were long recovery time. Do your PT religiously or you will lose range of motion. Do your PT religiously or you will lose range of motion.
Do your PT religiously or you will lose range of motion. Do your PT religiously or you will lose range of motion.

Seriously - I had been warned about this prior to surgery. A few days after surgery I ran into a guy (about 30 years old) that had had the same procedure. He was bitching because he had no range of motion, couldn't raise his arm over his head. He said "well, I didn't really do my exercises like I was supposed to..."

I laid in the floor with a broom stick forcing my elbow "under the gun" to make sure I didn't lose the ability to get proper prone position. Yeah, I may go overboard a little, but I'm 15 years on from the first shoulder, 11 on the second and can do just about anything I want.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Rolling this around now as I need this type of surgery.

Seems it's either I'll be fine or I'll be f*cked.
That is true of ANY surgery. 🤷 I tore my right ankle up doing a RNG. Climbing a cargo net, of all.things. Anyway, doc said it was an easy fix. It' been a minute now and I still have trouble with that ankle -- pain when walking, you want me to run??🤣, neuropathy, swelling, weakness, stiffness, man I'm telling you the whole nine yards. 😔

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
It looks a lot worse than it was but this is my R shoulder/arm about 3 or 4 days post op...



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Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
Torn rotator cuffs on both shoulders. The first one was done in 2006. Yeah, it was painfull for a while and the PT is kind of a PITA, but it is vital! Eighteen years and still going! Yes, the PT is vital!
Second one ... not so fortunate. Three surgeries in seven months. To make a long story short, the first two were done locally. When I still wasn't fixed after the second surgery, the doc here referred me to his 'mentor' at OU, who agreed to do the third surgery. The local surgeon was down to talking about a replacement, which was the LAST thing I wanted, because he said I would NEVER be able to raise that arm overhead. When I got to the doc at OU, the first thing he said was 'we're not even gonna' talk about a replacement.' The first two were arthroscopic, but the OU doc said he was gonna' have to do it 'old school' and open the shoulder up. He did, I went through recovery, PT and all that good stuff, and I'm still going strong! Maybe not as strong as I was, but I'm still going anyway! That was two years ago last July. I didn't have anywhere near the issues @Snattlerake did!


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Jan 10, 2014
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Both shoulders, torn rotator cuffs and repair to right bicep tendon.

Surgery both times was a piece of cake. Very little pain post-op and during recovery. Sleeping sitting up for several weeks sucked, though.

Left shoulder was first in 2013. After PT started my improvement plateaued before I could get decent range of motion. 2nd surgery to remove scar tissue. Continued to full recovery no issues since.

Right shoulder/bicep tendon in 2019. Nearly the same thing. Developed a lot of scar tissue. Doc did a manipulation to free it up. PT and full recovery. No issues since.

I have a friend in CO who just had rotator cuff surgery on last month. He said it's the most painful thing he's been thru. Recovery isn't going well, pain is persistent. Weird...I had almost no pain. Yeah...everyone's experience is different.

I had rotator cuff surgery the old way in 2000 . Cut you open, repair the tear, separate the joint to remove arthritis bone spurs and buff the joint. The pain level is high. Right there with the 13 screws and 2 rods in my lower back.
Only difference is the length of time the pain persisted. Back was weeks. The shoulder was 10 days or so.


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Oct 27, 2012
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I hade left shoulder replaced at the VA Hospital and it failed so I've lived with pain since 2015 in that shoulder. Now my right one is acting up and it's bone on bone the Docs say but what do they know, they're only Doctors. Had a knee replacement by Dr Jacobs and if nothing else I'd go back for the food. They have it catered and it's is very good. Forgot, my right ankle is bone on bone too. i'm posti
ng a picture of the food since you folks have seen arms and legs before. Beef Tips
Forgot to say, I'll take a shoulder replacement before a knee replacement, the shoulder is far less painful and irritating.


Special Hen
May 14, 2008
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Had mine done probably 20 years ago. Did my rehab faithfully and it did well, but still had some restrictions on ROM, most notably I could throw a football but not a baseball. Oh well I wasn't a threat to go pro anyhow.

Fast forward a year. Needed to get something out of garage attic. Too lazy to walk up to the shop 25 yds away to get the ladder. Saw I had 1/2 a sheet of plywood and 2 saw horses in garage! Plywood on horses, I can reach attic with my hands and pulled myself up. Success! Well, not so fast. Now I'm sitting on the edge of the attic access staring down at that sheet of plywood. No way to get back down there but hang by my hands and drop. Yep, tearing sensation in shoulder. I'm cussing myself, surgery and rehab down the drain.
I start moving my arm around to assess the damage, actually feels pretty good! Hey, I can now throw a baseball!
Not the recommended way to reduce scar tissue, but it worked for me!

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