Shoulder Impingement Surgery

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Tore my rotator cuff. I also f'ed up my bicep. There was also some other stuff, related to the injury, going on that they had to fix. To put in perspective how bad it was and how much pain was involved they did a nerve block (before putting me under) that required them sticking a needle in my neck. That sucked a bunch! Then they had me on fentanyl yesterday while I was in the hospital. Today it's 10 mg oxycodone every six hours.
Well do what the docs tell ya and bad as PT is gonna hurt it is gonna be worth it in the end as far as ROM and strength go so be smart and do what the PT tells ya too.

If you do like I did with my surgery you will be able to cut WAY back on the pain meds in a couple of days. When you are at that gray area where you can't decide if you should take another one or not, just remember those things aren't so you won't hurt at all. They are just to make the pain manageable.

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