Where can I read that study? I'm being serious - I'm not calling you out. I have seen similar claims made but I've never been able to read it myself and I would like to because I really don't see how that can be. I know trucks are dangerous compared to a well designed car but I can't think of any MVA scenario where I'd rather be in a Smart car than my F-150. Head on, rear-ended, broad-sided, roll-over(might be questionable - I have seen some truck cabs collapse pretty bad). Just the the elevation of the Smart car is scary, you get hit by any full size truck in one of those things and the bumper is windshield level, it's like when I drove a Camaro(which was scary in some ways too) except there's less material on all all sides.
I'd really like to see the tests that prompted them to make that statement.
YouTube. Watch the video for yourself. the f150 dummy breaks a leg. Smart dummy walks away.