60's, at least. I'd actually argue for 90's. 1890's!Again over thinking this. Speaking of Indian. Im white as a cracker, yet have native blood Not enough to get a skin tint but someone has to glow in the dark.... IMHO is that ANYONE in this nation should learn from its natives, and on up till this day. And not the filtered history but ALL of it. In a hope some of the horrible things done by US as a nation isn't repeated. I have land around Anadarko and get to see that heritage every week or so. away from stats casinos and every stereotype made Good and Bad. Why cant we add a few more? Who can say they dislike Mexican food? Chinese food? A little additions are okay. I would draw the line when it would curve the moral foundation this nation was created and has fought for in our history. We are a nation of many colors. Its just what we have become. Its our moral compass that has been attacked since the 80's or 90's thats the issue.