Supreme Court looks to medieval England in gun rights case

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Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Ridiculous. We don’t need to go back into England’s history to decide what the 2A says. We know what the heck it means. We don’t need a corrupt court to tell us what we can and can’t do. Scalia didn’t follow the bill of rights or the 2A when he made his opinion on the Heller case. I don’t expect this joke of a court to do what is actually constitutional. They act like understanding the constitution and bill of rights is so hard. The second amendment is so clear it ain’t even funny. It is the only amendment that says “shall not be infringed “. That means to not touch it. But it’s the amendment that has been assaulted the most. Gee, I wonder why that is? It sure ain’t for our safety. It’s what the government does. They use safety and fear to gain more control over us. Sadly we have a lot of dumb citizens that don’t realize that.


Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
Reaction score
Near E. C.
All gun laws are wrong...

First...Let's start with felons.....we'll take AWAY THEIR RIGHTS, the name of safety ....

...Now,....those unVaxed...Why...we'll take AWAY THEIR the name of safety....

...WE ...gave them the inch....when we gave the first gun laws back in the 1930' the name of safety...(felons (Americans) cannot own/have a gun....restrict ownership of "LEGAL" GUNS BY A TAX

WE made a second class of people....They are not stopping we some dumb gun laws....This is the the name of safety

They'll get the guns,...ammo....knives,....clubs....Just give them a few more the name of safety....

Soon those Felons, UnVaxed...and who knows who is next...maybe gumbling parent on what kid brings home from school .will have to be a ..."final solution" the name of safety....

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