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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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That, my friends, is the utmost measure of impactful demonstration. You made local talk radio in Louisiana folks. You're big time :D

Seriously, pundit radio listenership is a TINY fraction of the overall population.

Getting any number of people talking about real issues instead of talking about britney spear's turdcutter is a MAJOR improvement. :D :D

And it is not just talk radio in LA. It is being talked about on a lot of talk radio all over the country, at news sites and forums, and even the occasional gun forum.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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no one can predict the timeline, but it will happen. you can't rack up debt indefinitely without consequences.

does anyone here realistically think we can pay back 16 trillion dollars and counting? up 120 billion last month and projected to be well over 22 trillion by the end of O's 2nd term.

the only thing saving the dollar is that it's used worldwide to exchange crude oil.....our biggest export is inflation. just a couple months ago, a bloc of countries started circumventing the dollar by trading oil in the chinese renminbi/yuan. that is the beginning of the end. just wait until all those US dollars held by foreign governments/companies come back home because they have no use for them anymore. hello zimbabwe...

BTW, guess what other countries tried to circumvent the dollar on oil exchanges? saddam hussein's iraq tried to trade in euros and muhammar kadafi's libya tried to trade in gold. were they trying to bring down the american empire? whatever their purpose, it didn't go over too well. now that it's china, russia and iran in a coalition, what are we going to do? start with iran? maybe we can use our proxy, israel, to handle this "little" one....then what?

There are a lot more things working in our favor than the PetroDollar, but that doesn't make for a good bogeyman.

Google Bretton Woods


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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There are a lot more things working in our favor than the PetroDollar, but that doesn't make for a good bogeyman.

Google Bretton Woods

I guarantee you that some of these tin foilers think China is hosting secret meetings at a hotel in Guangzhou right this second asking the industrial powerhouses to tie their currencies to the yuan.

ETA: It's sad that a good portion of what I learned in my 5-years of undergraduate curriculum (Economics) can be replaced with 5 weeks of Google :(


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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It's coming Ridge, and it will be worse than the 60s, '29 and the 1860s combined.

My statement resides in the fact that the country ACTUALLY divided in 1861, so no the 60s were not more divided, neither was is during the DP. I fear we are headed towards another fracture, so yeah, more divided. You are entitled to your opinion, but so am I.

Most of my last few posts re: 20th century American history were not my opinion - they were about things that actually happened. You're right, the country did ACTUALLY divide during the civil war. It didn't ACTUALLY divide in 2012 because a few hundred thousand middle-aged, overweight suburban desk jockies are "fed up" enough to sign e-petitions and whine on the internet. It came closer to ACTUALLY dividing in the middle of the 20th century then it has in the 21st century. That's not an opinion; it's a position that can be defended by facts and hard data. By division I do not mean secession, because that's never going to happen again. I'm simply talking about a heated political/social/cultural/economic divide.

And it is not just talk radio in LA. It is being talked about on a lot of talk radio all over the country, at news sites and forums, and even the occasional gun forum.

Oh my god, a bunch of internet revolutionaries have spurred waterheaded political dialogue on AM talk radio and right-leaning internet forums. Probably even spurred some non-right-leaning media and internet forums to make fun of them. That's great dialogue. Fox News listeners are "frustrated with the way things are working in this country"? Well I'm officially blown away. I always wondered at what point Fox News listeners would become frustrated with the way things are going in this country. A revelation of a revolution

is what I'm not having right now.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I read a lot of true crime books. Last spring I was meeting some friends for a camping trip, but I got to the (public) campground a day before they did. I sat around reading a true crime book about a serial killer. A lone camper on a motorcycle came and set up next to me. I was convinced this man was clearly, undoubtedly, a serial killer. Without question he was going to murder me when the sun went down.

He was just a camper on a motorcycle. He was not there to murder me.

Point being, if your source of media intake consists solely of internet forums (which lean the same way you lean politically), talk radio, Fox News, and the conservative blogosphere - you're going to think we're on the verge of civil unrest and economic collapse at every moment of every day. That doesn't make it anymore reasonable than me thinking a guy on a touring bike in a nice campground came there to murder me rather than fish.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2010
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Broken Arrow
I read a lot of true crime books. Last spring I was meeting some friends for a camping trip, but I got to the (public) campground a day before they did. I sat around reading a true crime book about a serial killer. A lone camper on a motorcycle came and set up next to me. I was convinced this man was clearly, undoubtedly, a serial killer. Without question he was going to murder me when the sun went down.

He was just a camper on a motorcycle. He was not there to murder me.

Point being, if your source of media intake consists solely of internet forums (which lean the same way you lean politically), talk radio, Fox News, and the conservative blogosphere - you're going to think we're on the verge of civil unrest and economic collapse at every moment of every day. That doesn't make it anymore reasonable than me thinking a guy on a touring bike in a nice campground came there to murder me rather than fish.

never seen a guy go fishing on a touring bike......did you notice his "pole and tackle" while you were scoping him out? he probably wasn't there to murder or fish...


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Point being, if your source of media intake consists solely of internet forums (which lean the same way you lean politically), talk radio, Fox News, and the conservative blogosphere - you're going to think we're on the verge of civil unrest and economic collapse at every moment of every day.
The talking points echo around in the right wing media/entertainment complex every day all day and eventually the people telling the stories end up believing their own propaganda because they aren't getting input from any source that doesn't tell them what they want to hear.

And that is how they can believe, on the eve of the election, that Romney is going to win "hands down" "by a landslide" and wake up stunned the morning after.

This says it better than I can:

2012 Reasons Why Progressives Should Love Right-Wing Media

Thanks so much, Roger Ailes – we couldn’t have done it without you!

November 11, 2012 |

Thanks so much, Roger Ailes – we couldn’t have done it without you! And all praise to George Will, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, et al – if not for you, and your legions of credulous friends and followers, we never could have re-elected Barack Obama.

Think about it for a moment. Without Fox News, talk radio, the Drudge Report, conservative bloggers like Erick Erickson and the rest of the self-insulating, self-inoculating and obviously self-deluding right wing media echo chamber, there’s just no way Barack Obama could have pulled himself off the ropes and back into the victor’s circle.

Without the wacky hacks and their irrational attacks, it’s highly likely Mitt Romney and his cohorts would be celebrating instead today – and that the Senate would have swung Republican as well. After all, as columnist Nicholas Kristof put it in the New York Times , “This was one that the Republicans really should have won.”

Heresy? Hardly! As Kristof accurately noted, “Given the weak economy, American voters were open to firing President Obama…. And, at the beginning of this year, it looked as if the Republicans might win control of the United States Senate as well.”

So what happened?
For one thing, the vast right wing media conspiracy started to believe its own hype – and as a result got hoist on its own petard. Living in a carefully circumscribed disinformation cocoon eventually led to the entire party being sucked into a swirling “ideological black hole,” as the right wing media ginned up so much outrage that first cable crazies and later their mutant offspring, the Tea Party, took over the primary process. In so doing, they managed first to blow GOP control of the Senate, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with an odd insistence on putting up a succession of kooky kandidates, (ranging from Christine “I am not a witch!” O’Donnell to Todd “legitimate rape” Akin) and thus losing a series of eminently winnable seats. At the same time, their extreme insistence on policy purity ended up also driving moderates like Olympia Snowe clear out of the party – and consequently, a Republican majority out of the Senate.

Next the conservative media focused on a number of equally kooky kandidates for President – a veritable joke-of-the-week club that at one time included everyone from Donald Trump to Herman Cain – while at the same time pushing Mitt Romney, the only contender with any real chance of later tacking to the center and winning a general election, so far to the “severely conservative” side of issues like immigration that he was never able to recover.

No, it wasn’t the vaunted’ “ground game,” or Obama’s magnetic personality, or indeed, much of anything on offer from Democrats that caused the Republican defeat. Obama’s re-election wasn’t so much a result of “destiny” or “demography,” as the instant conventional wisdom now has it, as of sheer stupidity and denial on the part of the Republican elders. Their ostrich-like behavior, exacerbated by the breathless pandering of Fox News & Co., has seen Republicans lose the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Let them keep their false narratives and insistence that Nate Silver and the polls are somehow biased. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote in the Atlantic, “On the biggest political story of the year, the conservative media just got its ass handed to it by the mainstream media.”


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