The Lack of "Community" on OSA

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The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
You think that you hate me now, but wait until you meet me in person.

You come in this thread and fabricated a lie to attack my character, it's not the first time that's happened to a mod on this forum and probably won't be the last. Then you carried on about your feelers being hurt because my avatar might offend short people...and here comes the irony that makes me all giggly....all the while you're posting with an avatar that a lot of women would find offensive, degrading and misogynistic. Are you a person who is sensitive to the sensitivities of others or are you just *****ing to be *****ing?

I'm sure that you are even more offended now, so go ahead and quote this comment and let us know how much more I have offended you.
Is that some sort of physical threat, about meeting you in person?


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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You obviously have no idea why I made that post, or what I meant by it. Pulling it out of context, and misinterpreting here, isn't helping your case. Telling a Native American that goes to church that he's a White man that doesn't go to church is one of the most prejudicial things I've read in a while, but it's cool. Nobody has been banned for that or worse. We don't hand out bans for individual posts, so your statement about banning is way off also. What in the actual screw is going on here?

None of your posts that I referenced were taken out of context, and I had no more idea that you are Native American and go to church till tonight, than you know that I'm white and go to church. I said nothing that was insulting, where as you implied that white men that go to church are pedophiles.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
So S4F is offensive. Why be offended by it?

I ask that seriously. As a young-earth creationist Christian, I have had my intelligence questioned, my beliefs questioned, but I don't let it offend me. My world view and beliefs are not based on the "Word of OSA".

So tbnl, you're Native American. Good for you. Seriously. Treasure the heritage, your culture. But if you get offended by every internet forum that belittles minorities (whether real or perceived), you will live a very bitter, offended, life. If you don't like it, leave. And I mean the internet, not just OSA.

I understand some people here aren't nice to newbies. Screw those people. Let the mods know. We've all been new to something before. But we're pretty tame here compared to some sites.

As far as lack of community, the economy has hurt us here. Guns are in large part a hobby. Sure, not the gun we carry or put by our bedside, but the buying/selling and shooting miscellaneous guns has slowed. The listings now people are trying to make their money back, or a little extra. We used to pass around good deals on the forum. I don't have the budget to lose money trying new guns/ammo out anymore, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. So many of us, instead of buying and using gun stuff, are reduced to chit-chatting about it on the forum. And since gun people are mostly alpha types, sooner or later I'm right, you're wrong and if you can't admit that then we's done got us a problem.
It is really funny that you would say to "let the mods know," when it is the mod that is offensive. Do you see any irony in your entire statement?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.
Addressing the OP, OSA has most certainly changed. I've thought about starting a similar thread myself over the past few months. I still at least browse the thread topics everyday but find fewer I find interesting and fewer items in the classifieds that interest me as well. Many people that I once looked forward to reading their comments are no longer here. OSA is still valuable enough to me to lurk but I miss the old OSA.

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