Things You "Find" After Many Years

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Mar 24, 2020
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Medicine Park, Oklahoma
Oh, yeah... I put a $10k bundle here, put a bundle there... I can't keep track of all of 'em, either.

And remind me, @Firpo , if you ever have a garage sale, lemme know, please. I wanna be there.

(I wish... I'da been clutching that wad 'o cash hard enough to leave dents in it.)
That’s why I was reticent to say anything. NO, I do not have wads of cash lying all over the house…….I keep it buried in the back yard inside a Hellman’s jar. 😉
Jul 30, 2010
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It kept trying to rip my finger off and I still wore it faithfully but when it shorted across a power supply and turned redhot, I finally took it off for the remainder of my technician career.
In the USAF you couldn't wear jewelry if you worked on electronics,,,
We were told that we even had to remove our dog-tags,,,
A lot of married men bitched about wedding rings.

I never paid much attention to the rule,,,
After all, I was 19 and supremely invincible.

Then I worked as a base photographer while waiting for an AFSC reassignment,,,
I had to photograph a man whose wedding ring and wrist watch,,,
Had melted through the skin down to his bone.

I never wore my ring again,,,
Still don't wear jewelry of any kind.

I also photographed a man who jumped out of a parked C-130 cargo bay,,,
His wedding ring caught on a rivet head and severed his finger,,,
Well, not really severed as he hung by a foot of tendon,,,
Until one of his buddies cut it with a knife.

I get shivers just remembering it.

I've worked around electricity and shop tools in general all my life,,,
My ex-wife was pissed that I refused to wear a ring,,,
I offered to get a ring tattooed on if she wanted,,,
Thankfully, she turned my offer down.




Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
In the USAF you couldn't wear jewelry if you worked on electronics,,,
We were told that we even had to remove our dog-tags,,,
A lot of married men bitched about wedding rings.

I never paid much attention to the rule,,,
After all, I was 19 and supremely invincible.

Then I worked as a base photographer while waiting for an AFSC reassignment,,,
I had to photograph a man whose wedding ring and wrist watch,,,
Had melted through the skin down to his bone.

I never wore my ring again,,,
Still don't wear jewelry of any kind.

I also photographed a man who jumped out of a parked C-130 cargo bay,,,
His wedding ring caught on a rivet head and severed his finger,,,
Well, not really severed as he hung by a foot of tendon,,,
Until one of his buddies cut it with a knife.

I get shivers just remembering it.

I've worked around electricity and shop tools in general all my life,,,
My ex-wife was pissed that I refused to wear a ring,,,
I offered to get a ring tattooed on if she wanted,,,
Thankfully, she turned my offer down.


I started in the USAF as an aircraft mechanic. One of my TSgts had an incident that left him barely hanging from a truck back in his younger days. Just stripped the skin back half an inch or so... They stitched it up, and it healed fine, but he had a very obvious scar, when I got there in February of 1974. After I retrained into still photography, I was working at the base photo lab awaiting my slot in the tech school. Went out on a photo shoot with the line chief. The photos were all staged, but the Chief forgot to take his wedding band off. And I had one really good photo of his hand pointing at something with that hand. Which got published in the base paper. He almost lost his job. I almost lost my job. The guy who chose that photo to put in the paper almost lost his job. The only thing that save us was that it was a staged photo. No real maintenance was being done. Taught me to be VERY careful of what I took photos of. And that they took that sort of thing very seriously.
May 28, 2021
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Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
I used to buy mags that were round limited by a pop rivet for cheap, 30 seconds with a dremel fixes that.
My county sheriff in Colorado handed me 10 grandfathered GI metal mags and said,"please have one of these with your AR so I dont have to bust you for plastic"
Cool that worked just fine for my prairie dog town carnage
May 28, 2021
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Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
Weird finds in my toolbox a brand new set of S&W handcuffs in the original box.
Got them issued to me when I was working security for a big property management company in KCMo river key loft apartments. I alresdy had zip tie cuffs and 2 pair of handcuffs on my belt. Drunks, bar district, general stupidity display zone
Jul 30, 2010
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Bet I haven’t left the house 3 times without my wedding ring since we married 16 years ago. Just feels wrong not wearing one.
As for finding things not sure I should share this. 🫣 A couple months back I found $10K bundled in a jacket pocket I hadn’t worn for well over a year. “Oh Crap! Glad I didn’t donate that jacket to the Salvation Army.” I remember pulling it out of the bank when we were looking to buy a boat. Ya know, cash in hand negotiations always seem to go better for me. Anyhoo it’s back at the bank while this dolt enjoys his senility.

I almost pee'd my pants,,,
When I found a $20.00 bill in the laundry basket.

If I would have found 10K somewhere,,,
My poor old heart would've stopped.


Jul 30, 2010
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Now that I think about it,,,
I did find a 1,000 round case of 9mm.

I moved a big easy chair to vacuum under it,,,
And there was that case just sitting there.

As soon as I saw it I remembered,,,
I was leaving the house and saw that UPS had left it on my porch.

Rather than take the time to put it in the ammo closet,,,
I just shoved it under that chair and forgot about it.

It lived under that chair for over a year,,,
I don't vacuum that often.



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