I heard it was because of Obamas stimulus program.
In order to get the monies, ODOT had to let the contracts within a certain window. There were lots of interstate projects for Tulsa as well as I-40 east, ready to let waiting on funds so when Obama funded us, they all got let to contract at once. Consequently they are being constructed all at once. Thia is not intentional but a pure example of the cluster*luck that occurs when the Feds drive the bus.
That's just what I heard ...I may be wrong.
In order to get the monies, ODOT had to let the contracts within a certain window. There were lots of interstate projects for Tulsa as well as I-40 east, ready to let waiting on funds so when Obama funded us, they all got let to contract at once. Consequently they are being constructed all at once. Thia is not intentional but a pure example of the cluster*luck that occurs when the Feds drive the bus.
That's just what I heard ...I may be wrong.