U.S. ambassador to Libya, and 3 others killed.

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Aug 14, 2012
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WTH did he say? I listened and all I heard was gibberish and background noise. Something about religious tolerance and how brave the Libyans were came through. Other than that I didn't hear him say squat.
Thats basically all he said. Mentioned the anniversary of 9/11 in passing but made sure not to put 2 and 2 together. Billary said this was an attack by a small isolated group of people. Yea right. I saw the Libyan army stepping in to stop everything, didn't you?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
And made by an Israeli filmmaker in our country.
Remember: much of their way of life is violent. They live an existence that is controlled by brute force in many situations. Of course we don’t go gonzo when another nation burns our flag, chants “death to America”, etc. – we’re civilized. But idiot sticks that feel the need to make controversial movies need to understand the above, and accept the reality of what they’re doing. Smacking the hornet’s nest with a stick, and then complaining about the swarm of pissed off, unintelligent hornets trying to sting every living thing in sight because they should have some sense of decency seems a little pointless. I say we gather up that brave, artistic Israeli puke and drop him into the crowd. You wanna start a riot? Then you don’t get to hide and let everyone else clean up your mess. Actions have consequences.

WHAT? You are blaming the idiots who made the movie on this? The only blame he should get is making a crap movie...


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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WHAT? You are blaming the idiots who made the movie on this? The only blame he should get is making a crap movie...

Wasps sting, dogs bite, and Muslims go full-retard if you insult their prophet. It’s common knowledge, and though they may be stupid for it, it’s what they do. It is what it is. Ask Salman Rushdie; ask Lars Vilks. Knowingly making an insulting movie about Islam, and knowing what the blowback might be is dumb enough; doing it in another country – one that is already on shaky terms with many in that religion and region is even more stupid, and whoever thought screening said film in Cairo was a good idea is a complete idiot. There’s a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of people stuck on stupid. Problem is, too many innocents are going to pay while “I’ll make a statement in another country” hides like a scared rabbit under a couch somewhere.

Bacile, a California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew, said he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islam's flaws to the world.

"Islam is a cancer, period," he repeatedly said in a solemn, accented tone.


Aug 14, 2012
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Wasps sting, dogs bite, and Muslims go full-retard if you insult their prophet. It’s common knowledge, and though they may be stupid for it, it’s what they do. It is what it is. Ask Salman Rushdie; ask Lars Vilks. Knowingly making an insulting movie about Islam, and knowing what the blowback might be is dumb enough; doing it in another country – one that is already on shaky terms with many in that religion and region is even more stupid, and whoever thought screening said film in Cairo was a good idea is a complete idiot. There’s a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of people stuck on stupid. Problem is, too many innocents are going to pay while “I’ll make a statement in another country” hides like a scared rabbit under a couch somewhere.

So its everyones fault except those poor insulted muslims??

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