Walmart to stop selling handgun ammo, ends open carry

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Jan 6, 2008
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Unfortunately walmart stock went up over 2 dollars today.I wished someone like T. Boone Pickens or some other rich guy would unload a few million shares of wmt to show them the pro gun people are not happy.

How about us pro gun people unload our WalMart stock? On the flip side when was the last time you went into the sporting goods section of Target and tried to buy a target?
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
Here's the thing with business decisions and Walmart. The Walmart story is one of fantastic growth. That only comes from making more good decisions than bad ones.

It would appear that McMILLAN and his Board studied all the conflicting data, some valid and some not, and made the decision that this would be advantageous to their business.

It is easy for us to forget that currently, it seems, there are fairly equal numbers of customers, voters, etc. on either side of the firearm issues of today.

They probably do a better job of knowing their customer base than we do, and they would not make a decision to anger the majority of that base.

The objective of any "for profit" business is to determine the wants, needs, and desires of their customers. If a rival business cannot compete in the area of those requirements, they must find another way to compete. Many of the "mom & pop" stores we want to worry about, failed because they could not give want the customer wanted. Playing fields are not level, and it is not the responsibility of Walmart, or any other enterprise, to give up the advantages they built in a free market arena.

What do you own stock in Wal Mart lol.....I hope the wise half boycotts the ever loving hell out of them. Gillette though it knew it’s market well also, they didn’t and it’s left a lasting mark in their financials. The fractional amount of business guns and ammo bring to their bottom line isn’t worth the risk they took here. They won’t miss the gun and ammo sales, they would have been better off leaving things as they were, you will see.

This is just a feather in the cap for me I despise Wal Mart in all forms, I am glad to see Amazon had taken a giant bite out of them, and I am glad to see this self inflicted wound.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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This is nothing more than a ploy to gain political traction with the left. If they were to stop selling, they would have done so quietly. "Sorry sir, it's out of stock..."

But by announcing it nationwide, they already know the right isn't swearing off business with them within a percent or two... but if they can gain 10x or more back from the liberal havens of Target and Costco, it's a smart, but short term move. Eventually, people will forgive and forget and go back to the convenience of Walmart just like they did Dicks, CTD, Yeti, etc...

Will I stop shopping their? No. I haven't bought ammo at walmart since the Newtown shorts. I'll continue getting my groceries delivered there. It's just too convenient to do my shopping on the toilet, and having them load it all in the truck. I will continue getting my bang bang stuff at Academy and online. Occasionally at Atwoods, when they have a competitive price. Not sure about y'alls Atwoods, but while gun prices are good, ammo prices are Cheaper Than Dirt high.


New to the site!
Aug 17, 2019
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Broken Arrow
Just got back from nearby Walmart (They had .16cpr Federal 9MM Champion) I talked to the associate about them not carrying handgun ammo anymore and he told me that it wasn't true. He said, indeed, that Walmart will stop carrying 223/556 ammo, but that the internal corporate memo said that was the only ammo they would no longer carry once current stock is sold. He said that handgun amm would continue to be sold. So who knows. Maybe the story is wrong, or they are trying to get the rabid anti-2A people to back off a bit.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Dec 22, 2017
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Come to think of it, the Atwood’s in Vinita had almost no handguns when I was there last week. Just a few in .380, and their ammo offerings were pretty sparse.

Legal butt-covering, I would suspect.
Last time I looked at handguns in the Claremore Atwood's a couple weeks ago it appeared that every gun had been drug to and from the safe with a rake via the parking lot. Maybe they just pile em all in an Atwood's bucket.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2014
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