Poor kid ... it won't be his parents who get the chance to mistreat him (like they haven't enough already) ... it will be the DHS "system" that he is about to become a card-carrying member of ...
I am all for a little fun and games every now and again, but when you have kids that kind of stuff gets put on hold. Kids come first, period. What kind of parents would do something like this??
I'm curious to hear how you feel the children were mistreated.
Smoking weed in front of your kids is about as irresponsible as being drunk in front of your kids, but they shouldn't be taken away by the state just because of that. That would be like taking the kids away from someone who has 5 beers or so on a Saturday night, except the beer just makes you giggle and eat marshmallows. Not everyone smokes until completely whited out, just like not everyone drinks to get schnammered.
I'm going to preempt anyone saying "BUT ZOMG POT IS ILLEGAL" by saying that these guys were charged with misdemeanor possession. They weren't dealing or growing. This is like some family during Prohibition having a bottle of Jack Daniels in the cupboard.