When standing for long periods, the weight of your body is on your heels. The coushiony soles of hokas will sink causing Dorsiflextion. Especially if youre a bigger boy. As to why it causes shin splints, I dont know. My wife, who is a Phys Therapist, told me this when I wanted to try a pair. She and I have a pair of Bondis but we only wears them for walking.Can you explain this further because it makes no sense to me. Most people who get shin splints do a lot of running daily and are quite active. Don't see how your feet being dorsiflexed,, especially with the minimal degree the Hokas keep your feet in can cause shin splints. In fact, not having good or having minimal dorsiflex in your feet can cause a ton of problems walking, running. The only thing with the Hokas possibly causing shin splints is that people really like them because of their thick comfortable soles. THey put them on and and if feels great. Especially bigger, heavier people may not have the correct support and start to get pronated feet which can cause shin splints. I' a bigger guy and love my soft soles on my athletic shoes but I must have the most stability to keep my feet from pronating.