welfare-packed Farm Bill

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Special Hen
May 13, 2009
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The poor and middle class are the nations consumers. The rich really dont consum anything.

First what are your "definitions" of "poor", "middle class" and "rich"? The comment is not really "discussable" without your definition.

Have you ever know someone with a crap load of disposable income? Holy crap, they spend a ton of money on stuff they don't need and is HIGH dollar stuff.

What the "rich" do "consume", some would argue, is at an incredibly disportionate amount to poor or middle class. For example, $1 million home vs. rent/$100k home; $70k car vs. $15k new ($5k used) car; $3000 couch vs. $300 couch (and I'm being conservative across the board here). Oh yeah, can't forgot the "rich" guy with his 60" plasma TV and DirecTV - oh wait the same "poor" guy living in the trailer also has the same thing, plus the new Chevy pickup.:rolleyes2 Thus, one "rich" guy can equal many "poor"/"middle class" guys.

It would be very interesting to see an estimate of what sort of "Fair Tax" revenue (i.e. 23% sales tax) would be generaed by all those who paid no Federal Tax.

And before you assume, I'm a "rich" guy, I work 3 jobs to provide - and consider it a priviledge to perform my main profesion. Oh yeah, and I could care less if you're "rich", "middle" or "poor". Your life - your choice.
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Special Hen
May 13, 2009
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Tax breaks, credits and imposing higher taxes on unpopular groups is one of the best tools politicians have to insure votes for themselves. Why would they give that up?


You're dead on right. The established power base will fight that change tooth and nail.


Nov 5, 2008
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The other truth is that thousands of people receive cotton subsidies for land they haven't farmed in years, or never farmed, in a complicated system of payouts that has come to reward large farmers and thousands of absentee owners. For instance, in Downtown Zip Code 38103, 135 residents and corporations have split a total of $10 million in agriculture subsidies (not just for cotton) since 1995,


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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The fact that we need to bring in illegals to work is proof of how well off our own poor but able bodied really are.


Migrants have traditionally done much of the farm work in America, particularly picking crops because of the seasonal nature and pay scale of the work.
Should we now make some type of allowances so that poor Americans can work for less than minimum wage and not always have their kids in school?
With the low wages they'd still be collecting benefits wouldn't they?
The migrant system was developed to help the poor from Mexico to get jobs they couldn't find at home that Americans didn't need because they had jobs at
McDonald's etc. but things have changed haven't they?
According to some figures, About 3 percent of illegal immigrants were working in farming and related sectors, according to Pew, which was well below the percentage working in service occupations (33 percent), construction and extractive jobs (17 percent), production, installation and repair (16 percent) and transportation and moving (8 percent). A subsequent Pew study pegged the number working in farming and related sectors slightly higher, at 4 percent.


If we removed the illegals from other jobs would some of our poor then be able find jobs? This raises the question that if the economy doesn't get better and your kid can't find a job after school should they pack up and follow the harvest for work while corporations are hiring illegals to keep wages low? I certainly admit that some poor people might be lazy but is that the only angle or is it that corps and the gov.both want more illegals because they work for less and don't know or ***** about their rights?

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Special Hen
Jan 29, 2009
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In 2010 45% of US house hold or 69 million people will end up with no tax liability or only payroll taxes ie medicare, social security. http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/14/pf/taxes/who_pays_income_taxes/index.htm

population of the USA http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html

You really thought there was a literal near 50% (151.7 million) of the population on the public dole? I believe you have to make 5000 a year to need to file a return... thus my 11 year old doesn't fill out an income tax return. Here is an age distribution pyramid from 2000 http://ceic.mt.gov/C2000/SF12000/Pyramid/pptab00.htm

If the article said 151.7 million was the number of people that filed returns and 49% of the 151.7 were refunded or had no tax liability I might believe it and maybe it did say that and I misread it.

Not trying to argue. But can you explain this further or site your source? I'm honestly interested in getting this right and understand people can make numbers say whatever you want - which both sides do.

Seems its apples-to-apples?

“The percentage of people who do not pay federal income taxes, and who are not claimed as dependents by someone who does pay them, jumped from 14.8 percent in 1984 to 49.5 percent in 2009.”

Isn't everyone required to file a federal return? You either withhold money and its forwarded to the IRS or you choose to withhold nothing. If you withheld nothing and owe at filing time, you then need to pony up the amount. If you did withhold throughout the year, you either get back your overage or pay the deficit.

Some who file will be below the threshold $# (i.e the poor) for having to pay Federal Tax and thus pay nothing. Isn't the article referring to this group? I am missing something?

Edit - the quote refers to "people", so your comment about "businesses" would be limited to sole proprietorships or partnerships, not corporations.

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