Well, another weekend of damaging “gun violence”

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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Look at this stuff in the proper context. It is not gun violence. It is just violence. It needs no further segregation from all manner of violence - unless it is in support of an agenda such as disarming the proletariat in preparation of subjugation. No other context fits the facts.

Stay armed and stay free.



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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Shouldn't take things for granted. I know many good people, Republicans by the way, that are not interested in firearms. They understand our position that 2A is basic to the Constitution, but feel that crimes and accidents involving guns seem to be increasing at a rapid pace. (likely due to increased media coverage, but the underlying concern is there). Those are the folks that when a proposed amendment to The Constitution are likely to say "sure, something needs to be done", or the next time someone with issues shoots up a school or restaurant and friends and neighbors all say they are not surprised because that guy has been acting poorly for some time, they will be the ones to say that Red Flag laws make sense.

We can't just sit back, calling names, and quoting our long standing statements. I sure don't have any good answers, but there are bound to be some "gun folks" with good public relations ideas.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
Shouldn't take things for granted. I know many good people, Republicans by the way, that are not interested in firearms. They understand our position that 2A is basic to the Constitution, but feel that crimes and accidents involving guns seem to be increasing at a rapid pace. (likely due to increased media coverage, but the underlying concern is there). Those are the folks that when a proposed amendment to The Constitution are likely to say "sure, something needs to be done", or the next time someone with issues shoots up a school or restaurant and friends and neighbors all say they are not surprised because that guy has been acting poorly for some time, they will be the ones to say that Red Flag laws make sense.

We can't just sit back, calling names, and quoting our long standing statements. I sure don't have any good answers, but there are bound to be some "gun folks" with good public relations ideas.

It’s complicated, but I agree, something needs to be done, but where it needs to be done is at the feet and on the heads of those that use guns in violent crime. The blame has to be placed with the person committing the violence, not on an inanimate tool. Problem is, that doesn’t fit the agenda or the narrative. Gun control does.

Tough sentencing guidelines for the use of a firearm in a violent crime won’t stop anything, but if some of the homies got held without bail and locked up for life w/o the possibility of parole it would be an excellent beginning. Tell me why a person that would willfully use a firearm on an innocent victim should ever be allowed to roam the streets again, ever. Rabid dogs & rogue bears and mountain lions are put down, not held captive until their teeth fall out.

Build the prisons. Lock these bastards up and throw away the keys. That’s something I’d be willing to have my tax dollars go for.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I have the answer to all this “gun violence “. Abolish every single gun law we have and that would make a big difference. In a free society people are gonna do bad things. Heck they do it in non free societies. But it is darn sure gonna happen here. That’s just the way it is. But like @jakeman said, we need tougher punishments for the actual criminals. But hardly anyone wants to do that. Because it doesn’t fit the agenda of disarming us. That’s the end goal. The government knows guns are the only thing standing in their way of absolute power and control. They will not give up that pursuit until they achieve their goal.

I recently watched a show and it was talking about the illegal cooking oil trade in China. I kid you not. Gangs will go into sewers and siphon out the oil and then filter it as best they can and resale it the very places that poured it out in the first place. One man was arrested for running a huge operation making him millions. He was sentenced to death by a firing squad for it. Picture that compared to how criminals are treated here. Even rapists get treated way better. I’m not saying a tougher system would completely fix things, but I guarantee it would have a positive impact.

Some may not agree with this but anyone that supports gun laws don’t truly support the 2A.


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Sep 13, 2007
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Tulsa Metro
If the war on drugs is any clue, spending more money on police or building more prisons isn’t the answer.

There will always be some violence in a human society. What should be done is to build better family and social values at a local level up.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Two of them will be quickly forgotten because the shooter was black.

Unless they get caught, resist arrest, try to grab a cop gun and get shot.

THEN, it will be a Cop training and intolerance problem.

"Tough sentencing guidelines for the use of a firearm in a violent crime won’t stop anything, but if some of the homies got held without bail and locked up for life w/o the possibility of parole it would be an excellent beginning. Tell me why a person that would willfully use a firearm on an innocent victim should ever be allowed to roam the streets again, ever. Rabid dogs & rogue bears and mountain lions are put down, not held captive until their teeth fall out."

WHY have "life without parole"? AT THE EXPENSE OF GOOD CITIZENS.

Rabid dogs, rogue bears and mountain lions ARE PUT DOWN. Not repeat offender. No taxpayer burden. 3 strikes you're out. Some offences are 2 strikes. Some are automatic 3 strikes.
Consequences matter.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Shouldn't take things for granted. I know many good people, Republicans by the way, that are not interested in firearms. They understand our position that 2A is basic to the Constitution, but feel that crimes and accidents involving guns seem to be increasing at a rapid pace. (likely due to increased media coverage, but the underlying concern is there). Those are the folks that when a proposed amendment to The Constitution are likely to say "sure, something needs to be done", or the next time someone with issues shoots up a school or restaurant and friends and neighbors all say they are not surprised because that guy has been acting poorly for some time, they will be the ones to say that Red Flag laws make sense.

We can't just sit back, calling names, and quoting our long standing statements. I sure don't have any good answers, but there are bound to be some "gun folks" with good public relations ideas.
"Good" will not work on people driven by their emotions. The human brain is hard wired to focus more intently on bad things, while good things are easily forgotten. The media feeds on that and makes sure the bad stuff stays at the forefront.

If you want to make a message stick, you have to make it a negative one. You have to make those easily swayed, emotion driven people afraid to give up their self-determination. I realize that's a tough sell to people who don't even think ahead to the next stop light when they're driving, or if their insurance coverage is adequate to protect their assets. Somehow you have to show them that they cannot count on the police (except to harass law abiding citizens exercising their rights), cannot count on the courts because we do not have a "justice" system, and they definitely cannot count on their politicians to correctly make laws that will target violent criminals, without gravely harming their own self interests.

Without the fear, apathy reigns supreme. It sucks, but it's a universal truth. :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This is the kind of stuff that we are up against...

common sense.jpg

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