What about walking to your stand in the morning??

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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I was about 14 and sitting on a bucket in some native grass at the edge of the wheat field. I always tried to get in my spot an hour before legal shooting time. I had been there about 5 minutes when I saw something light colored moving toward me. My heart was racing, and I couldn't make out what it was yet, but it kept coming closer. At around 10 feet I yelled, GET OUTTA HERE! It started growling and barking. I am standing at that point, but nowhere to get off the ground. The dog was coming toward me, so I pointed my 30-30 to the ground and fired. I was scared of the dog, I was scared I would get in trouble for shooting too early. My heart was racing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
Last year towards dark one day during rifle season i though i heard a deer walking towards me, nope it was just a possum. Thanksgiving day the people that live south of my property on petersons lake decided to fire their guns all day. I had bad bad luck last year.


Special Hen
May 22, 2011
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I drew into Wichita Mtns elk hunt in 88. Walking in on the last morning of the hunt, still dark thirty, I came upon what turned out to be a buffalo, bedded down under a low hanging tree. When it jumped up and made an ungodly sound, (seemed like a ROAR), I thought my time on earth was over! Luckily I had done my daily business before leaving camp that morning. If not it would have been a very smelly day! Thought I was having a heart attack, at the same time trying to remember if there were any bears ever reported in the area. In the dark it was nothing more than a mountain of black fur!!!!
Killed my elk a couple hours later after my body quit convulsing and brain stopped telling me to run like h*ll !!!!

I think a buffalo will kill you just as bad as a bear might :P Seen one up north (near the arctic) that was possibly about 8 feet high at the hump. Big sumbich just stood infront of my truck and looked like he dared me to come any closer...


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2009
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Yukon, OK
I was about 14 and sitting on a bucket in some native grass at the edge of the wheat field. I always tried to get in my spot an hour before legal shooting time. I had been there about 5 minutes when I saw something light colored moving toward me. My heart was racing, and I couldn't make out what it was yet, but it kept coming closer. At around 10 feet I yelled, GET OUTTA HERE! It started growling and barking. I am standing at that point, but nowhere to get off the ground. The dog was coming toward me, so I pointed my 30-30 to the ground and fired. I was scared of the dog, I was scared I would get in trouble for shooting too early. My heart was racing.

Had a German Shepard that was hanging around the campsite that hd been dumped off and was starving to death he was eating our gut piles as soon as we would turn our back. So we wrongly started feeding him he was cool dog trained to sit shake ect.. The second morning unknow to us he followed us to our stand three miles away and snuck in behind us. Right at sun up my son gets all excited I'm thinking deer and he says dad the dog is here. We were in a 15 foot box blind and he was at the steps whinning to get in with us! So I grabbed my sons gun and he starts balling daddy don't kill him of course I was not. I had to shoot three times to scare him off. And 20 min later the deer came in much to my surprise I thought we were done for the day. And of course when we got back to camp to dog was waiting for the gut pile?


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2008
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I was a teenager (quite a while ago) when my uncle was telling my dad and I about his recent successful trip to CO to go elk hunting. He said he got lost and he was wandering around and found himself in a marijuana field (did I spell that right? pot. reefer. mary jane.). He said when he realized he was in it he froze for quite a few minutes, hoping no one was watching him and about to shoot him. When he felt it was safe he said he backed out and got the heck out of there as quickly as possible.

My uncle didn't tell me this when he was still alive, but I would suspect he pinched a couple buds for a quality assurance test.

A few years ago in Perry a friend and I were setting up a pop-up blind in dark. We had a couple little flash lights and I had a cordless spot light. It was pretty weak, but I could shine it out a little way -- about 75-100 yds away. A bunch of eyes are looking back at us. All we could see is the eye reflection of 4-6 critters. Cool. We already have deer! Wait. They are coming towards us. Ah Sh*t, they're coyotes! They must be pissed and hungry and vicious. It's bow season, but my buddy is getting his pistol out and loads one in the chamber. They are still coming towards us! Ah hell, they're calves that got loose overnight. We were both getting nervous thinking a pack of wild coyotes were going to get us, but it was just some calves that wanted some food. :)


Special Hen
Mar 21, 2011
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While out hunting last year (can't remember if it was muzzleloader or rifle season). But anywho, it was an evening hunt and I was hunt one end of my in-laws property and my wife was hunt on the other end. Well it started getting dark and I start heading back to the truck and on the way back the coyotes started up and they were everywhere. Howling from every direction and pretty close, well I make it to the truck and not to long after I get there I hear her start up her 4-wheeler and start heading back at a pretty pace. She gets back to the truck in tears. Apparently the coyotes were pretty close to where she was set up and it spooked her pretty good. But I guess she should have some fear for hunting on her parents property, since she has seen a couple of mountain lions up there in the past.


Special Hen
Nov 9, 2009
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In a chair
How about walking face first into a HUGE spider web at zero-dark thirty....yes, I screamed and did the "icky dance".

This is the worst part about early bow season. I put my bow in front of my face and swing it forward to knock down any potential spiders. I freaking hate spiders.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I got one. Opening day of deer rifle season 2010 I walk to my treestand and see an orange figure seated against a tree about 50 yards from my deer feeder and about equidistant to my treestand. It's my cousin who beat me into the woods before sun up, needsless to say i'm pissed. Then i go to my alternate treestand and sit in it, not 15 mins go by and here comes mr buck. So it was a blessing in disguise.

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