What do we do as conservatives if Trump loses?

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Slim Deal

Special Hen
Dec 16, 2017
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You keep hearing Civil War 2.0 and Day of Reckoning bantered about. But, when it gets down to it who will do these things. It would be grass roots with the media and tech giants trying to squash it and the grass roots folks feeling like they are alone.

While many romantically wax upon this as a time to reset this country to the way it was they are unrealistic. You cannot return to a simpler time, you have to deal with the here and now and make tomorrow the day you want it to become by molding today into the future you desire. The cat is out of the bag so to speak, and the only way to put that cat back is with blood, yours as well as the cats. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to take a life? How about the life of your own child? Realistically speaking, our children are brainwashed and indoctrinated into this mentality as were we. It will keep coming back to a question of the future you want for your children, does that future involve them being alive or dead? Does that future involve them being imprisoned for their beliefs? How about for your beliefs? Are you willing to accept these actions for them even if they don't want those outcomes?

Too many things to consider in this idea to make just 1 thread. Too many potential outcomes to make an easy decision. Too many people who might die based in an ideology that may or may not proof to be the correct choice. But, choose we must or it will be chosen for us.

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One thing for sure is .... I will NEVER give up.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Try comprehension. This thread is about IF TRUMP LOSES...so the victor would be....
I get what you're saying now - came across to me that either side would destroy crap depending on who won and lost. I see you're comparing celebrating a Biden win to a sports team winning, and idiots burning stuff. Got it.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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I think it's actually much more important that the republicans hold the Senate than it is for Trump to win. If Trump wins and we lose the Senate, then Trump will be impeached and convicted within the first 90 days of the new term.

If Biden wins and we keep the Senate, Biden will be able use executive orders to do lots of things, but will not be able to pack the Supreme Court, or do away with the filibuster rule, or admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as new states to the USA and end up with 4 permanent democrat seats in the Senate.

They won't be able to change the second amendment to eliminate or confiscate all them weapons of mass destruction and assault rifles you republicans have stocked away in your arsenals. They won't be able to install outlandish taxes on ammo.

They don't need to do much to the first amendment because no conservatives can speak already because the universities and other places won't let them speak anyway.

We absolutely must keep control of the Senate and then put a great candidate out there for the next presidential election !


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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1. Attitude is all....be stoic.
"Floods will rob us of one thing, fire of another. These are conditions of our existence which we cannot change. What we can do is adopt a noble spirit, such a spirit as befits a good person, so that we may bear up bravely under all that fortune sends us and bring our wills into tune with nature’s."
- Seneca, Letters from a Stoic
2. Irish democracy - massive, passive resistance to governmental dictates and rules


Special Hen
Jan 19, 2020
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Northeast Oklahoma
It’s hard to believe that our country is acting and sounding like a third world county as far as law and order goes. Accepting riots and looting as an everyday thing and the right of criminals to do whatever they please. Police departments retreating and surrendering their headquarters, watching their police cars burn, watching looters carry things out of stores because the country won’t support them to do their job. As I’ve said before, I think it could be very important in what part of the country you live in as we face these times.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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It’s hard to believe that our country is acting and sounding like a third world county as far as law and order goes. Accepting riots and looting as an everyday thing and the right of criminals to do whatever they please. Police departments retreating and surrendering their headquarters, watching their police cars burn, watching looters carry things out of stores because the country won’t support them to do their job. As I’ve said before, I think it could be very important in what part of the country you live in as we face these times.
I don't think it is really dependent on what part of the country you live. The anarchy going on is in democratic stronghold cities or states and occurs in most parts of the country. Texas overall is republican but we have had issues in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Houston and those are all democratic city administrations and mayors.

The west coast and New England areas are heavily left wing and are becoming homes to organizations like antifa and BLM. When the population finally gets fed up and throws out the democrats from running their cities and states, maybe then things might start to change.

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