Why such a short gun season?

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It’s their deer management mantra, but look at how much of the state is private vs public hunting. A lot of public isn’t open to gun hunting- there’s just too much pressure.

As for muzzleloader season, I would love to see “primitive arms” season return. Ever since they started allowing inlines and scopes, the trans community has made muzzle loader hunter numbers skyrocket.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
In Osage County We are overpopulated with does. 10-1.
Such a short Gun Season has everyone hunting horns. A short Gun Season isn’t good for the overall deer population IMO.
Then the Rut starts in late October, but Gun Season doesn’t start until the 15th, so the Poachers are the only ones getting to Gun Hunt in “peak” rut.

Oklahoma needs to pass some legislation and start running Gun Season from Nov.1st, straight through to Dec. 31st.

Tired of the Poachers taking the best bucks in our County, before law biding Hunters get to.
You can hunt from October 1 to January something with gun, bow and muzzleloader.
One can take a state limit with a bow well before gun season.


Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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As for muzzleloader season, I would love to see “primitive arms” season return. Ever since they started allowing inlines and scopes, the trans community has made muzzle loader hunter numbers skyrocket.
Seems to be the reason that bow hunters say guns shouldn't be allowed at all. Good way to divide the hunting community. Maybe we can get it all shut down one day.
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Oct 12, 2017
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I don’t want to seem pessimistic, but I predict that In the perfect world imagined by our betters at the United Nations, people will be confined to densely populated urban enclaves and the world at large will be returned to a wild state. Wild animals will have explicit rights to travel anywhere at will, but very few people will be free to occasionally move outside of their designated areas without permission from technocratic authorities. The human population will be reduced to a fraction of its present numbers. Human reproduction will be strictly controlled to supply sufficient numbers of workers to accomplish tasks considered too unpleasant for autonomous devices controlled by Artificial Intelligence. Only a few members of the Elite Ruling Families that survived the farce competition for dominance in the eternal quests for absolute power will retain the freedoms once held by our common citizenry. Interestingly, the hunting sports will be enjoyed by the wealthy elite snd the game will be restricted to roque humans who refuse to submit to the New World Order. Welcome to the world of tomorrow……
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I don’t want to seem pessimistic, but I predict that In the perfect world imagined by our betters at the United Nations, people will be confined to densely populated urban enclaves and the world at large will be returned to a wild state. Wild animals will have explicit rights to travel anywhere at will, but very few people will be free to occasionally move outside of their designated areas without permission from technocratic authorities. The human population will be reduced to a fraction of its present numbers. Human reproduction will be strictly controlled to supply sufficient numbers of workers to accomplish tasks considered too unpleasant for autonomous devices controlled by Artificial Intelligence. Only a few members of the Elite Ruling Families that survived the farce competition for dominance in the eternal quests for absolute power will retain the freedoms once held by our common citizenry. Interestingly, the hunting sports will be enjoyed by the wealthy elite snd the game will be restricted to roque humans who refuse to submit to the New World Order. Welcome to the world of tomorrow……
Where are the farmers that help feed the world going to ply their trade?
The earth can’t survive without them.

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