My wife, son and I went to the range earlier to practice. She has a Bersa Thunder .380 concealed carry model that I bought for her about a month ago. The pistol looks brand new but the guy I got it from said it was about 9 years old and hadn't had over 200 rounds through it. While she was shooting the slide would fail to go forward all the way and chamber another round. She would have to take the mag out to get the round out. She had three of these failures out of about 200 rounds. She was using federal American eagle ammo. She had two 8 round mags and one 7 round mag from her other Bersa. I don't know if it was the magazine or not. What could cause this kind of a malfunction to happen? I even loaded a mag up at one point because I thought she was riding the slide. So I thought I would do it to see if that was the problem. When I pulled the slide back and let it go the slide hit the round and stopped. It failed to push the round into the chamber. I tried to pull the slide back and let it go again to try and get the round to go in but it wouldn't. Again I would have to get the mag out, which was not easy. Then once out the round would fall out. But other than that the pistol fired well. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.