Are you shooting subsonic ammo?How is it suppressed vs. the Blackout?
Are you shooting subsonic ammo?How is it suppressed vs. the Blackout?
The Turk steel x39 is available now. It's labeled as TelaAmmo. Also, PSA is getting ready to fire up their steel-cased line.thanks to the current administration Russian surplus will be dry for the foreseeable future. If you want one now is the time to get one for sure though. There’s supposed to be some Turkish imports coming soon but who knows. Hornady and federal are loading some options. Sadly the days of cheap spam cans are over.
Are you shooting subsonic ammo?
Subs suppress well out of my KS-47, supers suppress better than 5.56. I really like the PPU subs over the Brown Bear.How is it suppressed vs. the Blackout?
Yes sir, that’s what “I” think is the purpose of a suppressor, but every single person I know that has a suppressor still shoots supersonic ammo.Isn’t that the purpose, with a suppressor? I’ve heard Blackout is great with that combo, so I wondered how 39 stacked up in that regard.
I use almost the same exact load. powder/bullet in both. 10gr h110/ 245gr missouri cast bulletHow is it suppressed vs. the Blackout?
I use almost the same exact load. powder/bullet in both. 10gr h110/ 245gr missouri cast bullet
designed a better suppressor that handles the cheap wolf/tula very well
my x39's go to the range and 300bo's sit in the safe now.