It's also because some of the evil right IS, in fact, racist. You guys can try to deflect to deflect the issue all you want. However, Republicans in many states have pushed anti-immigrant bills with the goal of getting rid of these undocumented. It is a simple fact. This attitude towards Latinos helped the Democrats win the election.
Keep this in mind, the population demographic is going to shift. Many of us will feel its effects soon. Oklahoma is a locked down red state now, but what about in 10 or 15 years?
What I found humorous is that so many folks bleating for seceesion are the same folks who harbor a lot of negative feelings towards Hispanics. So, why go to Texas?
And just FYI, racism comes in lots of forms. You don't have to be screaming ethnic slurs to be a racist.
Call it what you want, those of us who don't drink the kool-aid know better. Can you name a single one of these states that named any ethnic group in their law? Racism is RACISM. The democrats want to re-write the definition to suit their agenda and in doing so they diminish the injustice of true bigotry. The other day I saw a group of Congressmen bashing McCain for being "racist and sexist" because of his opposition to the nomination of the U.N. Ambassador to be Secretary of State. In fact he said nothing what-so-ever that was racist OR sexist. I'll give you that Latinos were a key part of Obama winning and I'll give you the fact that the GOP has been horrendous at combating this. But quite frankly this whole diatribe is getting old and most people are smart enough to know better.