You old guys ... 🥰🥰🥰

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I got bullied in 8th grade, when I moved to the building with 9th and 10th graders. I was smaller than most. A big 10th grader used to catch me at my locker and he'd knock my books outa my arm and shove me in my locker and shut the door. His name was Terrance Brown.
He moved on the next summer and I hit a growth spurt and started working out on free weights.
As a ninth grader I was benching 225 lbs.
All the sudden the bullies wanted to be best friends lol.
I became a robinhood bully to them, I'd see em bullying a smaller kid in the hall and I'd walk up and open face slap the schit out of em.
I had released alot of anger over those few years and became very popular with those smaller guys and others who saw it.
If only I could reconnect with ol Terrance.
He's probably in prison or dead though.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
I went to my 50th because it was close,,,
There were two or three people I was truly hoping to meet.

Instead it turned out to be one of the biggest stereotype events ever,,,
I swear it was straight out of a Hollywood movie script.

The drunks were still drunks and the stoners were still stoners,,,
The "elite" still thought they were something special,,,
And the bully's were still arrogant arse-holes.

I did get to reconnect with two running buddies,,,
It was very nice to find out that they had reasonably good lives.

But the best was straight out of a movie script.

I was standing at the urinal and heard a voice behind me asking,,,
Hey "Buster", remember when we used to turn you upside down in these?

Back in school I was 2 years younger than anyone else in my class,,,
I was a 15 year old senior who thought he was 17 years old,,,
I didn't hit my growth spurt until I graduated.

I knew who was standing behind me as I had seen him earlier that evening,,,
He was still the 5' 8" height he was back in school,,,
I however was 6' 2" and 190 lbs of anger,,,
50-plus years of stored up hurt.

But no, we didn't get into a fist fight,,,
Even though I really was hoping for it to happen.

Instead, when I heard him behind me I turned around,,,
And peed on the front of his pants and shoes.

I then zipped up and asked him,,,
"You wanna try that now?"

Because of the way he was in school I expected an immediate reaction,,,
But all he did was curse and back away to the sink to wash off,,,
I swear that was one of the high points of my life.

He left the reunion.

Like I said, I did connect with a former friend,,,
He told me that the guy I peed on never left the town,,,
That he owned a small garage/tire shop and was a very active alumni.

There were two others in the man's room who I didn't recognize,,,
I have no idea if the story spread but I sure hope it did.

That was back in 2018,,,
I had never been back to any reunion/alumni function,,,
And after my behavior at the event I feel no need to ever revisit those years.

I've told that story a few times,,,
People always comment on how it worked out,,,
But I will admit that I went there with a chip on my shoulder.

I truly wanted something like that to happen,,,
So I went with the attitude that this 66 year old alumni was there to cause trouble.

Yes, I guess that it was,,,
But when he backed away from me in the men's room,,,
I felt very vindicated and quite a lot of the angst I remember from school did evaporate.

True story,,,
Not even embellished.



Sounds like the typical bully


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Del City, OK
Me, or my adversary?

I went there with a chip on my shoulder,,,
So I wasn't high on the good behavior list either.

Not one of my finer moments,,,
But I don't regret it either.


Sounds like you feel guilty about it. Don't know about the other guy. If he doesn't feel bad about it, you're better than him. If he does feel bad, you're even. One of mine did. One of mine did, one didn't. I couldn't afford to live there, so don't know how it could have been different if I'd either stayed or gon back to stay. Couldn't afford to go back to my other home, either. So here I am...

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