Get better by the time you read this.What a small world!! I lived in that neighborhood before I bought my house. I know EXACTLY what you were dealing with. It was rough even back in 1999.
Nope, I wasn't a cop. That was Grumpy. But I see where you are going and yes, he did it because he thought he could make a change. He did make changes -- in individual lives (one of the worst arguments we ever had was over the fact I watched him treat a felon, with a list of warrants longer than I am tall, better than he treats me. ******* ... ). Me?? I'm a dyed in the wool capitalist. I worked for ... Gasp ... Lawyers nearly my entire working career.
I think you and I are pretty much the same. EXCEPT ... I do not believe there is a way to get where you wish (and me, too, for that matter) to go. It is impossible because not everyone is like you ... And me. There will always be some who have figured out how to work the system; a great many more who want to work the system but never really figured it out; some who don't want to be bothered by ANY system, even one that benefits them; and then those of us who don't want to exchange our freedom of choice to become a part of the system. Oh ... And finally, those who wind up paying for the system. Some of those distinctions overlap a bit but you get my drift, I think.
Like I said before, the human condition will not ever allow for what you want to do. It doesn't even work with rats. I'd go look up the links and post them for you -- it was a classic psychological experiment and the scientist's name escapes me right now -- but my head is pounding so I'll come back later and post it.
You guys all have a good afternoon. I'm gonna retreat to my cave and contemplate digging my eyes out with a spoon. Maybe that will help ... Gah ...
I am doing exactly what I want to do, I am learning about others via this site. I get people don't like my views, that is awsome so long as we can discuss it and I can see their reasoning.
That happens more times here than it doesn't and it is why I engage. What I do know is that what we been doing doesn't work.
We need to try something else, so as such I become the change I want to see. I instill those aspects with my son as well. Granted his experience of the world is different entirely.
Like education. He has the absolute distain for teachers over 60. You want to know why?
Because every single one demands "obey without delay" and that is not going to fly in my house, I encourage him to ask me for my reasons when I give him instruction. He deserves to know more than because I said so.
I deal with this often because you don't get to be the parent to my child, you had your chance, now you do your job and you do only that.
Had to deal with principals, teachers, admin, and the whole gambit because he defended some autistic girl, just as I instilled with him..he never raised his hand, never did a thing but ask them to stop.
But since black vs white it became so much more, then when he reported a possible school shooter it was swept under the rug till I called the local PD.
Again over 65 and told me I was the problem since he needs to mind his own business.
Most every single interaction I have with a "boomer" is of them telling me what it is that I should do, when honestly they are struggling themselves.
I may appear hostile, and I might come back with a witty retort, I keep it respectful as I can.
Also I can explain why he treated that felon better than you, it is because that person needed that help to not keep ending up in his life.
You dont need that, you seem to me a good person as many others here do as well, they just put there cape on and become SUPER MAD!
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