SHTF Topics I have one question

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Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
Just messing with you.

I'm not sure in a SHTF situation where the world is crumbling if I'd want to make it. Maybe just go down swinging and be done with it. That's like surviving a Nuclear Holocaust scenario. I'm sure some folks would try and some would succeed, but who the heck would want to. You'd get to stumble around in the rubble trying to catch radioactive rats to eat. No thanks. I think I'd just pull out a lawn chair, grab a libation and watch the fireworks that I'm sure would appear over Tinker.....

I've heard this quite a few times. Nuclear war is very much survivable. That's why the Russians have an active CD program. This link is to the bokk "Nuclear War Survival Skills". It's free online. I have the book and it's worth it's weight in gold...
NWSS Chapters
Ch. 1: The Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Myths and Facts
Ch. 2: Warnings and Communications
Ch. 3: Psychological Preparations
Ch. 4: Evacuation
Ch. 5: Shelter, the Greatest Need
Ch. 6: Ventilation and Cooling of Shelters
Ch. 7: Protection Against Fires and Carbon Monoxide
Ch. 8: Water
Ch. 9: Food
Ch. 10: Fallout Radiation Meters
Ch. 11: Light
Ch. 12: Shelter Sanitation and Preventive Medicine
Ch. 13: Surviving Without Doctors
Ch. 14: Expedient Shelter Furnishings
Ch. 15: Improvised Clothing and Protective Items
Ch. 16: Minimum Pre-Crisis Preparations
Ch. 17: Permanent Family Fallout Shelters for Dual Use
Ch. 18: Trans-Pacific Fallout


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I will bring strawberry jam to make it complete


In all seriousness, instead of looking for some place else to go maybe you should do a little "pre-planning" of your own.

BTW, GC has been at this zombie killing stuff for more years than I have known him. Be careful ... there are a lot more people out there who want you to be an indentured servant or to supply them with everything they need than who seriously want to "team up" with someone they met on the internet.

If you are finding folks on the internet, you are finding the wrong folks ... However, as usual and with all things in life ... YMMV ...


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
I couldnt gather much sense from this post but I will just reply to what i think you meant. Im not paranoid and neither do I think a SHTH situation will ever happen but I dont believe talking about what should be done in such situations should be laughed at either because we never know what can happen in the world in which will live.

You keep lauging and joking and I will just be ready my friend.

Greetings from The Humungus, the Lord Humungous.

It's not talking about it that should be laughed at, it's talking about grouping up with a bunch of goobers from the internet in that situation that should be laughed at. I have blood relatives I would make fajitas out of over a pile of my burning furniture if SHTF. You folks are on your own. Until I run out of fajita meat.

I'll keep laughing and joking, you just be ready my friend.

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