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Mar 29, 2007
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oklahoma city
If he was still a threat Ersland would have shot him from where he got the 2nd pistol from, not calmly walk back to him and hold the gun 18 inches away and pump 5 more shots in him............DISCLAIMER.........I DO NOT ENDORSE SOONER PAWN....I have never done business with them.
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Jul 26, 2007
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Between Ft Gibson and Tahlequah on Hwy62
Just remember to empty the gun on him initially, don't leave and come back to do it. lol

To someone like me, a shooting like that would be the most stressful situation I could imagine ever being in. I'm sure my heart would be racing, I would probably be hyperventilating and close to either a heart attack, stroke or a temporary mental meltdown. That is where I pray there is a core part of me that will be able to step in and say "Stop Phil, there is longer a threat, stop pulling the trigger."

I kind of think that is what happened to Ersland... he had a breakdown of his thought process, did all of the wrong things you can do and then instead of manning up to it and saying "Look, I was scared silly and overreacted", he tried to cover it up , which as we can all see, did not help his case at all.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I have been in the situation once. It was a guy having some road rage and pissed off because he was tailgating me and suddenly the traffic ahead of me slowed to almost a stop and I had to get on the brakes hard and he thought I did it intentionally I guess. I was on the Bell Isle bridge in OKC in the center lane and could go nowhere. He started cussing me and flippin me the bird and then I saw him reach down and then up came a 1911. He didn't point it at me but he sure made sure I saw it. Then he held it up and showed me as he chambered a round.
I reached down and grabbed my Browning Hi Power and held it low in my lap. He then changes lanes so he is on my drivers side and he rolls down his passenger window. I was thinking about what to do if he raised the gun at me as he came up next to me. We were moving at maybe 45 mph now and he's advancing up along side me and he looks pissed. My only thought was, I can't exit because I can't get over and there's no exit near so if he points that gun at me, I'm going to stand on the brake and put 13 rounds through his back glass. I was terrified but not because I thought I might get shot but because I was about to possibly kill someone. My heart rate was that of a marathon runner but I remained calm and focused somehow. He got beside me and gave me a look that would kill but never raised his gun, my foot was poised over the brake pedal. He slowly went past me and I slowed to ensure I would not be next to him again. That's when I let down and lost it and started freaking out and lost my focus. It showed me that I can remain focused when faced with that fear until the danger is passed and then I let it all out. I went on home and couldn't stop shaking for the next hour.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
OK ... everybody had danced around this little issue so I'm just gonna put it out there ...

1. If you cannot control your emotions DON'T CARRY A GUN.
2. If you think that it is okay to kill someone who is no longer a threat, just because they have wronged you in some way, DON'T CARRY A GUN.
3. If you think it is okay to go barreling off down the street firing shots (and endangering innocent bystanders) at someone running away from you while leaving unarmed people in a building with someone you think is still a threat DON'T CARRY A GUN.

I believe Ersland had indeed considered the fact that he might one day be robbed and he was "ready" ... Ready to make an example outta the scumbags. After all he is an educated war veteran just doing his job and minding his own business. He thought no would dare to doubt him. He thought no one would check his stories out. He was "free and clear". In all honesty I don't think he is any better a person than the guys that tried to rob him.

If I had my way he would spend the rest of his miserable life in jail and, when he departs this life for the one after, I hope he finds himself in the same boat as Parker, floating around in his own personal hell.

It's people like him and Parker, who think they are above everyone else and the law, who make it hard on the rest of us sane folks. That is all.


Jul 26, 2007
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Between Ft Gibson and Tahlequah on Hwy62
Badge Bunny I agree with you except for one small detail.... I do not know how I will react if I ever have to shoot someone, but I do admit that I have feelings and fears and desires just like the rest of the human race. In other words, emotions.

I carry a gun because I do not want to become a victim of somone who has no regard of the laws of our land, and no respect for human life.

I am far from perfect but I still have hopes that I will do my best if and when the occasion arises. Then I will utilize the same emotional/mental services that are out there for everone else, LEO's included, that have been thrust into similar situations.

Im not a perfect human, just a guy that recognizes that society as it stands offers no guarantees of my personal safety and the safety of my loved ones.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Badge Bunny I agree with you except for one small detail.... I do not know how I will react if I ever have to shoot someone, but I do admit that I have feelings and fears and desires just like the rest of the human race. In other words, emotions.

I carry a gun because I do not want to become a victim of somone who has no regard of the laws of our land, and no respect for human life.

I am far from perfect but I still have hopes that I will do my best if and when the occasion arises. Then I will utilize the same emotional/mental services that are out there for everone else, LEO's included, that have been thrust into similar situations.

Im not a perfect human, just a guy that recognizes that society as it stands offers no guarantees of my personal safety and the safety of my loved ones.

I am with ya. Except experience has shown me exactly how I would react if I had to shoot someone. The details of that experience are not important. What is important is that I am confident that given the right mindset and a little training it is possible to control yourself in what appear to be uncontrollable situations.

HMFIC said it best. I can't remember the exact post but it was something to the effect that I will train a certain way and think a certain way so I will act a certain way. Our LEO and military do it every day. Why should we, as conceal carry holders, expect any less from ourselves?

BTW, I hope you NEVER find yourself in the position of having to pull your gun on another person. It is a sickening experience.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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To someone like me, a shooting like that would be the most stressful situation I could imagine ever being in. I'm sure my heart would be racing, I would probably be hyperventilating and close to either a heart attack, stroke or a temporary mental meltdown. That is where I pray there is a core part of me that will be able to step in and say "Stop Phil, there is longer a threat, stop pulling the trigger."

I kind of think that is what happened to Ersland... he had a breakdown of his thought process, did all of the wrong things you can do and then instead of manning up to it and saying "Look, I was scared silly and overreacted", he tried to cover it up , which as we can all see, did not help his case at all.

Very well put!

Even though I haven't been in Ersland's EXACT scenario, I have several circumstances by which to reflect how I have reacted in very dangerous, life threatening situations and hopefully prepare me further for how I would react in a more similar situation. I'm thankful for the ways I have reacted, because it could have easily turned out in the headlines if I were rash or emotional about it.

I also continue to train myself mentally to look at situations like Ersland and not provide him nor myself any excuse by which I could later regret. There are many who have brought up valid points about the adreneline and the stress of the moment. I believe that the cure lies in mental preparedness. Those who turn a blind eye to Ersland's failure are likely destined to repeat his actions should they find themselves in that scenario.

There are those who disagree about the technical aspects of the case, be it the time or cause of death, whether Parker really was moving, etc... but really the heart of this matter is being CAPABLE of identifying a threat PROPERLY and taking the correct action. I think that the evidence is indisputable that Ersland failed in this regard.

There are also those who think the circumstances dictate that Ersland should be given some understanding and the charges mitigated or the sentence dropped. I do think that this is a factor and should be considered... but at the same time, I also have to consider that he lied about his actions, tried to fake an injury, BROUGHT A HANDCUFF KEY to the courthouse! Those things balance out any remorse that I may feel for his situation. IMHO, Ersland has brought most if not all of this heartache upon himself... and he STILL hasn't learned his lesson either from his jailhouse statements.

I continue to post in this thread even though it's a big old dead horse because I hope that those who are not informed about the specific details of what happened in Ersland's case can maybe learn the facts. I looked a poll on the Huffington Post the other day about Ersland's case and the vast majority of the bleeding heart liberals that normally go there even thought Ersland was unjustly convicted. I believe that opinion is primarily due to the misinformation and knee jerk reaction of hearing the headline and not the real facts.

So... there ya go. That's my full take on it. It doesn't bother me if people don't agree. I can understand many of the other views and points out here as well. Bottom line is that we should all take some lesson from Ersland's woes.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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