US Military Class suspended for views on Islam

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Sep 22, 2009
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And this battle is being waged on multiple fronts. We're fighting Islam. Radical. Moderate. It's all the same. It's a war.

But we're also fighting the globalists (of all political parties) who demand we give these America haters a big sloppy kiss and "assimilate" them into our culture. (Which is a huge joke because the muslims don't assimilate. Cf France and Britain.)

And we're fighting the liberals who would rather see us destroyed than to actually hurt those who are trying to destroy us.

These were the very same dynamics that caused us to lose the Vietnam war. And we'll lose this one too. Global Islam is content to win this one by attrition.

Word. To many dont understand this. Scary, sad, n true. There isnt a country we are at war with, never has. It is a war without borders and the only participants are muslims. Call em what you want but they come in droves to Kill us. They are a plague of locust

I find it funny when people call normal muslims extreemists. Just like they call normal conservative Americans right wing extreemists. Its a word game played buy the left with eyes wide shut.


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Sep 22, 2009
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Im not refering to Christians at all, Our country is fighting muslim EXTREMIST, so of course they are going to be muslim. If we were fighting the KKK im sure there would be white extremist that we would be labeling terrorist. The only reason i presented this quote was because of the reference to the koran about killing anybody who doesnt believe in Allah, this quote is very similar. Just proves that the koran is not the only holy book which has material like that in it. Christianity does not have a clean history either. and to act like it does would just be foolish. Either way that is not the argument im trying to make. I've never been the guy to hate someone because of color, or religion. We have to see people for more than the actions of a small group of that population. Muslims have been living in the U.S for a pretty long time, and i dont recall many acts of terrorism by them. Every body has there hate groups but we cant hate a whole population because of the actions of a few. I know a lot of muslims and a lot of christians, and i have been treated fairly by both, ive been treated like a less human by both as well. My experiance with different race of people has me believeing that majority of people are good people. Doesnt matter what race they are. Thats what gives me hope in humanity. Yeah everyone is gonna run across a few rotten apples, lets pick them out and enjoy the rest.

Im still waiting on your other examples of American terrorists besides McV. If thats all you have there isnt realy compairison to be had in the first hand.

Im not talking about Christianitys history varied buy the many countrys that practiced it or how it was manipulated buy the ruling countrys. Im talking about now. Christianity isnt going around killing people because they havent converted. Islam is. Right now they kill Christians around the world because of their belief on a daily basis.

Islam is not a race, it is a political view called religion bent on the conversion of the world through violence, peace is only possible through conversion, not before. Sort of like the Nazi party

I agree for the most part, people are good but if they practice hate like islam they cant be trusted


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Sep 22, 2009
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John Brown

Going waaaaaaay back in history. Was it classified as terrorism back then?

Anyways I was looking for current applicable figures in this time period. Not the way back grey and blue days of our great great granddaddys. Might even be another great in there.


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Sep 22, 2009
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Do you believe all Muslims want to destroy the US?
According to Islam, practicing muslims are ordered to either kill or convert every last infadel.

If you are not a muslim, you are a infadel

If you dont convert thier answer is death

So if the US is not Islamic, what is your deduction?

Peace is only through conversion or death. Only two ways

Have you converted yet?

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