SCOTUS Healthcare Ruling

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
I blame talk radio, Fox "News", and youtube for the hysterical historical revisionism.

People listen to that crap all day and night and they end up brainwashed automatons waiving a gadsen's flag.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
No, it's not happening. And again it goes back to "socialism" becoming this ridiculous buzzword since '08 and how it literally means nothing now. You could argue that America functioned fine economically under more "socialist" administrations than Obama, and it could even be argued such policies actually helped the economy.

Look, I'm not telling anyone what to believe politically. I'm not saying you should like anything the Obama administration does. But all this "Gotdamn boys, get the rifles, them damn socialists done took over thuh republic." is asinine. And it's not hyperbole - people actually think this lame-ass healthcare bill going to spell the end of America. And all this shock about "how liberal" Obama is makes me laugh because Obama is considerably to the right of FDR, Teddy Rossevelt, Ike, Johnson, etc. It's an objective fact that Obama and the Democratic party are effectively further to the right than they were in the majority of the 20th century. Obama is FAR from the most liberal/progressive president in modern America.

And what's the GOP solution to this supposed Armageddon? Vote for Romney, the guy who had his hands all over this plan and is on record supporting the individual mandate. HIS individual mandate.

I don't fault the GOP base for its political beliefs; I fault them for either being to ignorant to know or too dishonest to admit the Democratic party and Obama are not the most liberal thing to ever hit America, and I fault them for bashing Obama's mandate and then telling us our only hope is to vote for Mr. Bain up there - WHO DREW UP, PUSHED, AND SUPPORTED THE SAME FRIGGIN' THING.

"Socialism" is such a misapplied and essentially meaningless word. The GOP as a whole would never get behind repealing Social Security, or eliminating all public education funding - a few LOLbertarians would, but not the average GOP voter. But here the base and the people it votes for are telling me the world is ending because of this lame-ass, not-very-liberal healthcare law. We survived the rise of progressivism, the New Deal, gov't regulation of industry and finance, etc - somehow - but this will kill us.

This isn't a Democratic party turd; its roots are with the Heritage Foundation and the current GOP candidate was pimping it until he realized he needed the votes of a polarized, frothing base angry goobers to get get into the White House. Wealthy people don't have to worry about healthcare. The mandate is a penalty for the uninsured, and that's not the wealthy elite. Sure sounds like a Republican healthcare plan to me, and Mitt agrees. A liberal healthcare plan would look a lot different.

Keep frothing GOP; it's making you look really rational.

R.H., I had more choices in my healthcare two days ago. I wake up this morning and now those options have been SEVERELY LIMITED overnight. In it's place is a socialized healthcare plan for everyone based off of tax payer dollars. You want to pussyfoot around about what to call it, but grass is green, water is wet, and socialized medicine funded by taxpayer dollars is SOCIALISM.
I don't give 2 shites what Teddy Roosevelt did, what FDR did, what LBJ or Carter did. I'm alive NOW, my choices are being taken away from me NOW and I'm NOT going to get happy about it, so stop diminishing how angry people are because I think they have EVERY RIGHT TO BE.
I could care less about what some neo-con GOP country club a$$-hat thinks. I'm a poor, conservative, part white part cherokee dude living in the SE metro and his world ain't my world and I don't give a damn who they think I should vote for. I know that this plan has Mitt written all over it, there have been a ton of threads about how crappy he is. I was JUST AS ANGRY when a republican stepped all over my rights by something just as intrusive like the Patriot or NDAA act. Whether done by the left or the right, socialized medicine is still SOCIALIST!!! Intrusion into my private life "for my own good" IS SOCIALIST! I just want to be LEFT ALONE and the gov't to mind it's own fawking business!
HAPPY NOW???? Where's the tylenol?
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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I don't care if people are angry. I just ask them to be angry in reality, not angry in an America that has existed nowhere but in their own minds since 2008.

All it is is healthcare reform you don't agree with. All Obama is is a president you don't align with politically. This doom and gloom, revisionist history stuff is just goofy as hell.

Reasonable comment:
"Damn, I really think this healthcare plan is some serious bullcrap. I support a plan as follows....blah blah blah."

Insane comment: "Obama is the most liberal president ever, the Democratic party has been taken over by socialists, this is the biggest piece of socialist legislation ever, and America is over." the first three parts of my example are provably false, and the 4th holds as much weigh as Marshall Applewhite's Earth Recycled speech.

And the insane comments are a beehive drone of buzzing from the GOP base and leaders are drowning out everything else. When you repeat wild things that aren't true in support of your political positions, it either makes you look ignorant, mentally ill, or dishonest.


Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
I don't fault the GOP base for its political beliefs; I fault them for either being to ignorant to know or too dishonest to admit the Democratic party and Obama are not the most liberal thing to ever hit America, and I fault them for bashing Obama's mandate and then telling us our only hope is to vote for Mr. Bain up there - WHO DREW UP, PUSHED, AND SUPPORTED THE SAME FRIGGIN' THING.
A strict reading of the Constitution show the Federal Government was granted very limited enumerated powers by the people. The States on the other hand were left with all other powers not previously given up to the Feds. This tells me the an individual State is free to implement a health care plan in their State. Romney did just that. The other States were free to do the same if they so choose.

It seems some only embrace States rights when it suits their special needs.



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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I don't care if people are angry. I just ask them to be angry in reality, not angry in an America that has existed nowhere but in their own minds since 2008.

All it is is healthcare reform you don't agree with. All Obama is is a president you don't align with politically. This doom and gloom, revisionist history stuff is just goofy as hell.

Reasonable comment:
"Damn, I really think this healthcare plan is some serious bullcrap. I support a plan as follows....blah blah blah."

Insane comment: "Obama is the most liberal president ever, the Democratic party has been taken over by socialists, this is the biggest piece of socialist legislation ever, and America is over." the first three parts of my example are provably false, and the 4th holds as much weigh as Marshall Applewhite's Earth Recycled speech.

And the insane comments are a beehive drone of buzzing from the GOP base and leaders are drowning out everything else. When you repeat wild things that aren't true in support of your political positions, it either makes you look ignorant, mentally ill, or dishonest.

Fine, R.H., I think this healthcare plan is bullcrap because it severely limits my choices by taxing me if I have too nice of a plan, taxing me if I have no plan at all, and I don't want the government nosing around in my private affairs healthcare or otherwise. I support a government healthcare plan where I get to choose the best insurance plan, both price and coverage-wise for my family and myself. If the government wants to cover all of the people that can't afford it, they should come up with an idea that does it without punishing me for my choices or taking away my liberties by limiting that choice through fiat or taxation. Leave me out of it.


The Republic is dead. The Constitution no longer stands for anything.

Even if Congress passes law to repeal Obama care, and a new president signs the repeal into law, this Court will strike down any law that repeals Obama care on appeal.

The Republic is dead. The Constitution no longer stands for anything.

You are exactly right. We need to start a revolution and get all of these morons out of Washington. That is the only way that we will ever have a great country again. And this health care crap is going to ruin this country even more. I seriously cannot believe that some of you support it. This is going to screw people like me who have good health insurance. Have any of you ever taken a look at Canada's health system? Or maybe England's. They are terrible. There are waiting lists to have surgeries done and the quality of doctors is pathetic. This IS what is going to happen in America. Just look at now how when you go to the doctor or the ER you never get to see a doctor. It is always a PA or a nurse practitioner. Things are only going to get worse. So just because there are alot of people out there that don't have healthcare Obama is going to force them to get it. And if they don't then they will have to pay tax?? Are you freaking kidding me. And you people support that? That is about as unconstitutional as I have ever seen. But just look at what Obama wants to do to our second amendment. He got this crappy health system passed. So why couldn't he get the second amendment changed?? The answer is that he could. I hope and pray that Americans like me that are fed up will rise up and fight this evil that is destroying this country.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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A strict reading of the Constitution show the Federal Government was granted very limited enumerated powers by the people. The States on the other hand were left with all other powers not previously given up to the Feds. This tells me the an individual State is free to implement a health care plan in their State. Romney did just that. The other States were free to do the same if they so choose.

It seems some only embrace States rights when it suits their special needs.


If such a thing as a strict reading of the constitution existed, we wouldn't have a Supreme Court. The state's rights thing in defense of a state-level mandate seems like a cop-out for people that preach "limited government, more freedom".

Sure, you can look at it as the states are free to implement a mandate on a state level and believe the Feds are not. But you could also look at the state's mandate overriding the individual rights of the individuals living in that state. Depends on how any given internet Constitutional scholar interprets the 9th and 10th amendments.

Again - I live in reality, not 1776 on paper. The Federal Government "overstepped its bounds" according to some people decades upon decades ago. Under your strict reading of the constitution, the vast majority of programs implemented and departments created on a Federal level for the past 100+ years are blatantly unconstitutional - as is the vast majority of government spending. The only difference is that existing law and federal departments don't make a good political football for the 2012 presidential election. You're implying awfully noble motivation for what is awfully petty dissent.

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