Do you ever ask yourself what has happened to the human mind?
Do you ever ask yourself what has happened to the human mind?
They won't, until gun control is passed. It's amazing to me that people can't see how we had nearly zero "mass shootings" for the last few years, and a Democrat administration is "voted" into office, they immediately go after guns, and we have two "mass shootings" a week. Ray Charles could see it. And he was blind AND dead.God, please let these insane shootings STOP!!!!
Just listened to an "eye witness report". Young man said he saw a hooded subject carrying and shooting an AR. I will not pass judgement but if you are close enough to recognize a perpetrator and said firearm, why would you not take some type of action.
Sounds like this guy. He also mentioned that someone tried to retrieve a gun from their truck to stop the shooter and paid with his life for it. So, heading off any 'only way to stop a bad guy' kind of talk.
Do you ever ask yourself what has happened to the human mind?