If anyone is interested I'm pretty sure I've found the problem. The YouTube trouble shooting is frustrating because I've going through coil tests, tfi tests, relays etc. Ended up pulling the SPOUT jumper and the truck immediately started. This means the computer is bad or not functioning and everything else is good.
The SPout controls coil ground through from the computer. Without the jumper in it bypasses the computer and will run but with no timing adjusrments. Frustrating because it's such an easy thing to check and no one recommends it first.
Next thing is check your cowl drainage holes in the fenders. They pack with debris and water leaks into cab. I believe my computer died from water infiltration from clogged cowl drains.
The SPout controls coil ground through from the computer. Without the jumper in it bypasses the computer and will run but with no timing adjusrments. Frustrating because it's such an easy thing to check and no one recommends it first.
Next thing is check your cowl drainage holes in the fenders. They pack with debris and water leaks into cab. I believe my computer died from water infiltration from clogged cowl drains.