Forums are a hard place to have a conversation. The context to this is when someone says "This gun is accurate, in fact, I saw this level performance out of it" and then goes on to list mediocre performance without explaining that they are limiting factor and not the gun then it gives a misleading picture of the gun's performance. I sought to clarify the distance because I know I have said feet when I meant yards.Exactly! His problem is he doesn’t understand things like that. We all love shooting. Some of us have disabilities, some like me are older than time. Neither you nor I have to shoot 1 inch groups at 25 yards to be good shooters.
I do stand by calling people out for recommending a 2.5lbs gun (the Staccato XC) for someone asking for a good everyday carry gun. By any objective measure, this is a wholly inappropriate choice for that role.
Lots of thin skin and butt hurt here, has anyone been on the internet before? Fortunately, this is one of the few threads I've seen where the grumpy old man's club has come out in force to prevent anyone from perhaps learning something.