Anyone ever made a Saya (scabbard)?

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Looking thru our daughters house to see how hard it is going to be to clean it out since she was just short of being a hoarder. Found that she had picked up a nice decorative Katana at a garage sale that she was planning on giving me for Christmas. I plan to keep it as a reminder of her and named it after her.

Only problem is the wood saya is crap and held together by electrical tape. Also has a hole or two in it. I found some on the web but they are cheap Chinese junk. While the sword is not the greatest, it is not bad for 440C stainless and is even semi-sharp. I want a decent saya for it even if I have to try making it myself. Plus I really do not want to give the Chinese any money if I can help it.

I was just wondering if anyone here had tried making one, was interested in making one, or knew of someplace I could pick up some hardwood reasonably to make it myself. Some videos on the web showing how to do it and I think I can. Might need to use someones band saw for a bit but I think I have all the other tools I need.

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